Housing and wellbeing: what we know so far

University House - Room G07
Wednesday 7 November 2018 (12:00-13:00)

Helen Harris: h.m.a.harris@bham.ac.uk

Speakers: James Gregory and Andy Lymer, CHASM

Over the last 18 months James Gregory and Andrew Lymer have been developing a programme of work exploring the relationship between housing tenure and individual wellbeing. This seminar will present the thinking and motivation behind our research, before presenting survey and interview results from social tenant and shared owners in the South East, with further evidence from social tenants and people applying for social housing in the South West.

Our findings are based on a bespoke survey, with 3000+ responses over the two regions, which asked people to rate their subjective wellbeing and to respond to questions about their experiences of their home. Based on multivariate modelling of the data, our results show that social housing as a positive impact on wellbeing, reducing levels of anxiety amongst social tenants. Results from the South West also show a positive effect: controlling for a range of characteristics, those on the housing register and waiting for a social home were significantly less happy, and more anxious.

Below: Watch James Gregory give an overview of the session below: