Taxation and Social Policy Group Event

Courtyard Room, Park House
Tuesday 12 February 2019 (10:30-16:00)

This one day event is one of the first to be organised by the Taxation and Social Policy Group and is supported by the Social Policy Association. The event will be of interest to a wide range of people with an interest in social policy, including those who wish to learn more about taxation and those who have an interest in the distributional consequences of tax policies, in particular in terms of their gendered impact.

The event has been organised in cooperation with the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) and the Department of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham.


Andy Lymer - What are other tax academics up to that social policy academics might be interested in?  Andy is Professor of Accounting and Taxation, Birmingham Business School, and Director of CHASM, University of Birmingham

Fran Bennett - Taxation and gender issues. Fran is Senior Research and Teaching Fellow, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford and an active member of the Women's Budget Group.

Claire Keane - The gender impact of Irish Budgetary policy, 2008-2018. Claire is Senior Research Officer and Programme Manager for Taxation, Welfare and Pensions Research, Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin.