

SECRAB trial logo

SEquencing of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Adjuvant Breast cancer

 Chief Investigators:
Dr Indrajit Fernando
 Sponsor: University Hospitlas Birmingham NHS Findation Trust
 Funder: Cancer Research UK
 Disease Site: Breast Cancer
 Trial Type: Radiotherapy Trial
 Status: Complete
 ISRCTN Referance Number: ISRCTN84214355
 Open to New Sites? No
 Recruitment Start Date: 02-Jul-1998
 Recruitment End Date: 25-Mar-2004
CRCTU Trial Management Team:  Late Phase Trial Management  -Team B
Trial Email Address:

The SECRAB trial looked at the timing of chemotherapy and radiotherapy after surgery for patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. The 2297 women who took part in the trial were randomised to receive either: synchronous chemotherapy and radiotherapy, where the treatments are given at the same time; or sequential treatment, where chemotherapy is given first followed by radiotherapy. The aim of the trial was to determine which treatment was best at preventing recurrence of the breast cancer and whether it was safe to give the two treatments together. The trial also looked at patients’ quality of life and breast appearance. 

Please note that the trials team cannot give individual’s clinical advice. Patients and their families should contact their treating physician to discuss trials for which they may be eligible

Trial Summary

Trial Protocol

Please Note:
Clinical trial protocols are complex technical documents which should only be used for the treatment of subjects taking part in the trial.

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