LGG2: A Cooperative multicenter Study for Children and Adolescents with Low Grade Glioma SIOP-LGG 2004
 Chief Investigator:
 Dr Susan Picton
 Sponsor:  University of Birmingham
 Funder:  CTAAC
Disease Site:   Brain Cancer
 Trial Type:   Phase III randomised interventional Clinical Trial of combination of Investigational Medicinal  Productions, Radiotherapy and Surgery
 Status:  Closed
 UKCRN Study ID (if applicable):  N/A
 ISRCTN Referance Number:  No ISCRTN Eudract: 2005-005377-29
 Open to New Sites?  No
 Recruitment Start Date: 13-Dec-2004
 Recruitment End Date: 16-Apr-2012
 CRCTU Trial Management Team:  CCTT
 Trial Email Address:  lgg2@trials.bham.ac.uk

Trial Summary

A full Trial Summary can be viewed in the Protocol below.

LGG2 is a European clinical trial which offered a common treatment strategy to all children up to the age of 16 years who were diagnosed with a low grade glioma (a brain tumour) which may have arisen in any part of the brain.  This trial opened to recruitment in 2004 in the UK and patients were divided into three strategic groups, based on the ability to remove the tumour by surgery, the presence or not of severe neurological symptoms and the tumour evolution. The children were either observed, or (based on their age) treated by radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

LGG2 was designed to standardize the treatment options following diagnosis and to improve the rate of survival of children. The trial also aimed to reduce late effects of radiotherapy, and assessed this with up to 10 years follow-up in endocrinology, ophthalmology and neurology. LGG2 also looks at Quality of Life and includes education/employment/social assessments up to age 20.

LGG2 closed to recruitment in 2012 having recruited 702 children and adolescents from 22 centres around the UK and Ireland. 

Please note that the trials team cannot give individual’s clinical advice. Patients and their families should contact their treating physician to discuss trials for which they may be eligible.

Trial Protocol

Please Note:
Clinical trial protocols are complex technical documents which should only be used for the treatment of subjects taking part in the trial.
Investigators please ensure you have R&D approval for this specific version of the protocol before using as a reference.