Institute of Inflammation and Ageing

World leading discovery and translational science in inflammation and ageing

Research themes

  • Acute Care Research

    Improving patient care through multidisciplinary research and real-word assessment of the management of acute illness across the life-course and specialities.

  • Ageing and Frailty

    Understanding how biological ageing processes can drive loss of immunity in musculoskeletal disease and multimorbidity.

  • Neuroscience, Trauma and Ophthalmology

    Development of novel strategies, tools, diagnostics and technologies focussed on inflammation, scarring, regeneration and repair.

  • Rheumatology

    Research focussed on inflammatory rheumatic diseases; in particular the pathobiology, comorbidity and patient reported outcomes.

Centres of Excellence


Latest videos

Inflammation and Aging: How can we prevent inflammaging?

Mammalian Ageing & Dinosaurs—An Evolutionary Link?

How do you diagnose a mild TBI and prevent brain injury from repetitive concussion?

Rugby study identifies new method to diagnose concussion using saliva

Women In Science

Latest news

18 May 2023

New concussion study in women’s rugby

Marker Diagnostics, which developed a saliva-based concussion diagnostic based on Birmingham research, is to start a study on concussion in sportswomen.

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