
Hugh Houghton's new book on the Latin New Testament is published today!

Entitled The Latin New Testament: A Guide to its History, Texts, and Manuscripts, this monograph offers a new account of the development of Latin New Testament tradition, based both on surviving manuscripts and quotations in early Christian writers. It provides a guide to using modern critical editions of both the Vetus Latina and Vulgate versions, a catalogue of Latin New Testament manuscripts, and details of research over the last 50 years including an extensive bibliography. It draws on Dr Houghton's work on the Vetus Latina Iohannes project and, in particular, the European Research Council-funded COMPAUL project on early commentaries on the Pauline Epistles.

In a recent interview on the ETC blog, Dr Houghton said:

My aim was to appeal to as broad an audience as possible so that, say, someone who had seen the Lindisfarne Gospels in an exhibition and wanted to know more about their background would be able to pick up my book and find out more. But, equally, I wanted to produce something to which specialists could refer to make sure that they were using editions correctly and citing the most recent scholarship on a particular topic.

Supplementary material relating to the book may be found at the website www.vetuslatina.org, while announcements relating to the book, including updates and additions, are posted at www.hughhoughton.uk/lnt. The book is available from the publishers, Oxford University Press, and it has also been released as an ebook with extra features (Kindle website).