Ad Alta
Founded as The Birmingham Journal of Literature and Language in 2008, Ad Alta: the Birmingham Journal of Literature is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published annually, both electronically and in print. The journal is edited and published by doctoral researchers in the Department of English Literature at the University of Birmingham.
The journal includes submissions from postgraduates from a diversity of backgrounds and institutions, including specialists in literature from all periods and cultures.
Each issue features articles and notes from current postgraduates, alumni and external postgraduates, along with book reviews and original artwork. Original prose and poetic compositions are also welcomed.
Submission guidelines
Submission guidelines
- Submissions are open to postgraduate research students from any institution, and University of Birmingham Alumni. We will accept submissions from any undergraduates, postgraduates, and alumni who would like to submit their creative work(s).
- Articles should be between 3500 to 4000 words in length. Notes and book reviews should be between 800 and 1000 words in length. This word count includes all titles, notes, and the bibliography.
- Poetry submissions should not exceed three poems, or forty lines. Short story submissions should not exceed 2500 words.
- Notes – Research notes follow all the same Ad Alta guidance on referencing that a full research paper would, however they are not full academic papers. Notes are discussions which are intended to explore a theme or emergent idea. Notes should not exceed 1000 words.
- All written submissions should be in the .docx file format (Microsoft Word) and conform to the following guidelines:
- Font: Garamond 12 pt. Body text left aligned.
- Line spacing: exactly 2.0.
- Page layout: A4, portrait, single column, normal margins.
- Referencing: Please follow Harvard and include a list of works cited at the end of the article, review, or note.
- The author’s name and academic affiliation should appear on a separate cover page only, along with the title and word count of the submission, the name(s) of your supervisor(s) and internal examiner(s) (if known or relevant), and a brief abstract of 100 to 150 words.
Note: Submissions may be published elsewhere in the future, but the editors would appreciate an acknowledgement where possible.
You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@AdAltaBJL) and like our page on Facebook (Ad Alta: The Birmingham Journal of Literature) for future updates.
Submissions and enquiries should be sent to the General Editors (Sarah and Laura) using the following email address:
Contact the editors
Contact the editors
If you would like to get involved with Ad Alta as a contributor, or if you would like any further information about the publication, please contact the General Editors, Sarah Chung and Laura Milburn, at