Diego Boza Martinez

University of Cadiz

IRiS Host Academic: Professor Jenny Phillimore
Length of stay: July-September 2017


Diego is a Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Cadiz where he has been working since 2006. He completed his Ph.D. and his undergraduate studies at the University of Cadiz.

His research interests lie in the area of migration, specifically related to Criminal Law. In this field he has worked about expulsion as well as discrimination and criminalization of migrants. 

He also worked as a lawyer for a Spanish NGO (APDHA) from 2004 until 2014. He continues his collaboration with this NGO. 

Research interests

  • Criminal law and migration
  • Reduction of discrimination and criminalisation of migrants

Planned activities whilst at IRiS

While in Birmingham Diego will be looking at the relationship between the media and politicians' criminalisation of migrants and Brexit.


BOZA MARTÍNEZ, D., Los extranjeros ante el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, University of Cádiz, 2007.

BOZA MARTÍNEZ, D., DONAIRE VILLA, F.J., MOYA MALAPEIRA, D., (Coord.), Comentarios a la Reforma de la Ley de Extranjería (LO 2/2009), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2011.

BOZA MARTÍNEZ, D., DONAIRE VILLA, F.J., MOYA MALAPEIRA, D., (Coord.), La nueva regulación de la inmigración y la extranjería en España, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2011.

BOZA MARTÍNEZ, D., La expulsión de personas extranjeras condenadas penalmente: el nuevo artículo 89 CP, Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2016.