Postgraduate research

As a vibrant community of students and academics, the College of Arts and Law is committed to the advancement of academic endeavour. Research degrees are central to this. Aspiring researchers develop and apply their knowledge towards the preparation of a piece of research that makes a unique impression in their field of study.
What to expect from a PhD/MA by Research
What to expect from a PhD/MA by Research
A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of qualification awarded by universities in the UK. It is typically aimed at students who have successfully completed a Masters programme.
A PhD is awarded for the outcomes of intensive, independent study that demonstrates an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your chosen subject. You will be assessed at the end of the programme by a thesis of 80,000 words. This will need to be deemed suitable for publication, in whole or in part, in a learned journal or equivalent by your examiners. You will need to defend your thesis and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of your subject at a viva voce (oral examination) before a panel of expert examiners. For creative practice disciplines such as Drama, Creative Writing or Music, there’s a creative output plus a shorter thesis.
By comparison, an MA by Research is a research-based Masters programme assessed by a thesis of 40,000 words. An oral examination may be held at the discretion of the examiners.
Unlike our postgraduate taught programmes, there are no formal lectures or seminars in a PhD or MA by Research. Your work is not formally examined until after your thesis has been submitted. You undertake research under the expert guidance of a primary supervisor, co-supervisor and mentor. This will be supported by complementary research training.
PhD and MA by Research programmes may start at any time of the year, though we strongly encourage students to begin their studies at the start of the UK academic year (September). We also offer flexibility in our programmes so that you can choose the mode of study that works for you - full-time, part-time, or distance learning. It usually takes three years (full-time) or six years (part-time) to complete a PhD. The standard duration for an MA by Research is either one year (full-time) or two years (part-time).
Distance learning students receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students. The only difference is that supervisory sessions will take place via services such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, rather than in person. You will be funded to make one compulsory visit to the University. This enables you to meet your supervisory team and undertake intensive research skills training. You may also be invited to attend the University for annual meetings. You will interact with other research students both socially and academically. You will undertake important progress-review meetings and carry out any necessary training. For those studying a PhD, you will also generally be required to be present on campus for your viva voce.
If you wish to proceed and submit an application, please refer to our six-step process for applying.
What is involved in a PhD/MA by Research?
What is involved in a PhD/MA by Research?
Before you start
One of your main sources of support, inspiration and encouragement throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme will be your supervisory team. Establishing an effective working relationship is important for staying on top of your work and making the most of your research.
If you are planning to apply for a PhD/MA by Research programme, you should first make sure that the relevant department within the College of Arts and Law offers the necessary expertise. We ask that you identify an appropriate supervisor by visiting the Application Process section of the relevant course page before you submit your application and contact them in the first instance to discuss your research proposal. If you experience any difficulties with the application process and contacting potential supervisors, please email: calpg-comms@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Your research proposal should be a short written document (approximately 1,000-1,500 words and around 2,500 words for Law programmes) which sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It should outline the general area of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic, as well as demonstrate the originality of your proposed research. For further advice, please refer to our research proposal guidance page.
During your studies
Your supervisory team will meet with you at regular intervals throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme in order to offer guidance on how best to approach, implement and report on your research. Supervisory sessions for distance learning students will take place via services such as Teams or Zoom, rather than on campus.
Although your supervisory team are there to help you to complete your research, postgraduate research students are expected to take full responsibility for their work. Therefore, you will need to develop your own timetable for academic study, planning and managing your research so that you can successfully complete your thesis on time.
Your thesis is usually written in stages over the course of your PhD, and you’ll receive regular feedback. There will be a revision period at the end. For an MA by Research, these timescales are condensed into one year (or two years if studying part time).
During the course of your studies your supervisory team may also encourage you to present your research to the wider academic community and to the public at seminars and conferences, or even submit work for publication in specialist journals. You will also have opportunities for teaching, networking, and playing an active role in the College's vibrant postgraduate research community.
Why Birmingham?
Why Birmingham?
By choosing Birmingham you are joining a large, diverse and vibrant postgraduate community. Whatever the nature of your programme, we aim to provide a stimulating and engaging study experience of the highest quality.
From libraries and research spaces, to extra-curricular activities and funding opportunities. All of this is available on our beautiful 250 acre green and leafy campus, providing a perfect environment to support and develop your postgraduate experience.
And if you are planning on joining us via Distance Learning, we aim to ensure you receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students through our virtual learning environment. You will also have the same level of access to your Student Experience Officers, Careers team, Guild of Students and Wellbeing support.
Discover more about life as a postgraduate research student at Birmingham.
Breadth of experience
Breadth of experience
Your research degree will involve the preparation of a dissertation of up to 80,000 words on a subject of your choice, developed under the expert supervision of an academic member of staff. Within the College, we have a broad range of subject areas in which you can undertake research. In recent years this breadth of experience has seen students enjoy co-supervision, enabling them to tap in to the expertise of more than one supervisor. As the nature of many research projects is increasingly interdisciplinary in scope, this is a key advantage of studying here at Birmingham.
Flexible delivery
Flexible delivery
We offer three levels of research degree, allowing you to choose the appropriate level to suit your experience and aspirations:
- PhD – an intensive, independent study that demonstrates original and significant knowledge in your chosen subject culminating in an 80,000-word thesis, deemed suitable for publication.
- MA by research - a shorter alternative - or stepping stone to - a PhD, culminates in a 40,000-word thesis
- MRes – taken as standalone programmes or a stepping stone to further research, combine taught modules with an extended independent research project of up to 20,000 words.
These courses are also incredibly flexible, enabling you to select the method of study which suits your existing commitments. All programmes are available to study Part-time or Full-time. Our MA by Research/PhD programmes are also available to study via Distance Learning. This enables you to complete research all over the world, while benefitting from the input of Birmingham’s world-class academics.
Innovative approach
Innovative approach
In addition to the excellence on offer with these traditional forms of research degree, the College of Arts and Law is home to a number of innovative and engaging courses. These enable students to develop their knowledge, and present their research, in creative ways.
We are home to the Film Studies Audio-Visual PhD, which leads students through the filming and editing of an hour-long documentary on their research, accompanied by a 30,000-word written defence. We also offer a Practice-Based PhD in Drama and Theatre Studies, allowing your academic research to be conducted through practical experimentation, accompanied by a 40,000-word thesis.
Another example is the Music Performance Practice PhD, centred on a musical performance of up to 45 minutes.
Personal development
Personal development
The College of Arts and Law offers all our postgraduate students opportunities to gain and enhance skills, alongside your studies, to aid your personal and professional development. These include free language training, either for personal development or to support your research, and employability skills training.
If you wish to proceed and submit an application, please refer to our six-step process for applying for PhD and MA by Research opportunities in Arts subject areas.
The best things about my course are the close and meticulous support I am receiving from my supervisors, as well as the sense of connection with the local research community. Life is exciting as a researcher at the University of Birmingham with lots of events, conferences and presentations by renowned scholars.