Admissions Procedure

Once an application has been received from UCAS it is assessed with respect to six formal areas:

  • Examinations being taken
  • Examinations already taken in Science subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry,  Biology, Design and Technology
  • Examinations already taken in Arts subjects: Languages, Humanities, etc.
  • Personal Statement
  • Extra Curricular activities
  • The Head Teacher's or Principal's reference

Candidates who are considered able to follow our course successfully will be made a conditional offer. Those applicants resident within the UK, will receive an invitation to attend one of our  Offer Holder Visit Days (OHVD). The day is a fantastic opportunity to meet with students and staff in a number of informal activities. There will be talks about the degree programmes as well as the opportunity to talk to students who have been on industrial placement.

OHVD are held between January and March, and as well learning about the degree programmes they also enable students to see the Mechanical Engineering facilities, University and residential facilities which are available at Birmingham.

A number of students each year obtain financial awards from a range of institutions in the form of sponsorships, scholarships or bursaries. Some of these may be awarded to the students before they enter University, whilst others are only available once the student has joined our course.