IDD has designed its distance learning courses to be accessible for a working professional person and we have kept the technical requirements to a minimum. However, before you commit to distance learning, we recommend that you consider the following:
IT equipment: To complete a distance learning course successfully, you will need:
- Extended access to a computer with Microsoft Word and Excel (students are eligible for free use of Office 365 during their studies) and an internet browser compatible with Canvas, such as Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
- Regular access to the internet for visiting the web-based discussion boards, e-mail and some online library research (whilst this is obviously easier with broadband, many students have participated successfully through a dial-up connection).
IT skills: You will find this course less challenging if you are already a confident internet user, although we are available extensively to coach you through becoming familiar with the web-based discussion format and to address other IT questions.
Time: This course requires that you read a good deal and regularly check into the web-based discussions during the 11 ‘live’ weeks of discussion for each module. If you are forced to miss some of the discussions for work or personal reasons, this can often be accommodated, but if you are regularly out of touch you will find it hard to complete the assignments to the required standard. Writing the assignments is also time-consuming.