Transmedia: History, Memory and Storytelling across Media tests the concept of 'transmedia storytelling' in fiction, memory and identity in contemporary Italy.

  • Chair: Professor Bronwen Thomas
  • Speakers: Clodagh Brook (ed), Emanuela Patti (ed), Emanuela Piga, Alessia Risi
  • Date and venue: 27 February 2015 at 17:40 - Senate House (London), Room 349

The first part of the book book explores experimental narratives across traditional literature and new media in some contemporary Italian writers (Wu Ming, Scrittura Industriale Collettiva, Simone Sarasso, including a number of projects of collaborative writing, for example the first novel on the Italian Resistance written by 115 authors entitled In Enemy Territory.

The second part concentrates on the representation and storytelling of particularly significant historical events such as the G8 in Genova and movement 77 across multiple media platforms such as radio, comics, social networks. Finally, we take into consideration an Italian transmedia TV programme on transexual identity called Transiti. 

The book is one of the outcomes of the AHRC-funded network called Interdisciplinary Italy 1900-2015: art, music, text.

The purpose of the project was to explore the relationships between arts and media, with a special focus on border crossing in media and experimentalism across arts.