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Download the new SOUNDwalker app from the App store or Google Play and experience SOUNDkitchen’s GPS-triggered SOUNDwalks.

Currently available campus based walks:

Wander around the beautiful setting of Winterbourne gardens and the adjacent Edgbaston Nature Reserve and listen to sounds recorded throughout the year, many that are often inaudible to the naked ear.

Towards the end of 1968 a group of several hundred students occupied Birmingham University’s Great Hall for over a week, in protest at the lack of student involvement in university decision-making. This walk is inspired by this combustible moment, drawing on events that led up to the occupation both locally and beyond.

This walk has been created with the Quantum Technology Hub using sound and narrative to explain the often unnoticed quantum science behind the Clock tower, the bank, the train station, and finally, Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Field recordings and processed sounds  have been combined to create distinctive soundscapes for sculptures across the University of Birmingham campus.