Professor Chris Parker BSc MSc PhD

School of Mathematics
Professor of Pure Mathematics

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Chris Parker is a Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Birmingham, specialising in finite group theory.


  • PhD in Mathematics, University of Manchester, 1987
  • MSc in Mathematics, University of Manchester, 1985
  • BSc in Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 1984


Semester 2

LM Advanced Topics in Algebra

Postgraduate supervision

Chris Parker’s recent research has been focused on theorems designed to understand the classification theorem of the finite simple groups. This includes joint work primarily with Gernot Stroth, which aims to determine the finite simple groups of local characteristic p. Chris also contributes to projects which explore the appearance of exotic fusion systems and their relationship to finite simple groups. Important contributions here are separate joint works with Jason Semeraro and Valentina Grazian.


Highlight publications

Parker, C & Semeraro, J 2019, 'Fusion systems on maximal class 3-groups of rank two revisited', Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 147, no. 9, pp. 3773–3786.

Parker, C & Semeraro, J 2021, 'Algorithms for fusion systems with applications to p-groups of small order', Mathematics of Computation, vol. 90, no. 331, pp. 2415-2461.

Parker, C, Pientka, G, Seidel, A & Stroth, G 2023, 'Finite groups which are almost groups of Lie type in characteristic p', Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 292, no. 1452.

Parker, C & Stroth, G 2020, 'The Local Structure Theorem, the non-characteristic 2 case', London Mathematical Society. Proceedings , vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 465-513.

Recent publications


Cambell, C, Parker, C, Quick, M, Robertson, E & Roney-Dougal, CM 2019, Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham. vol. 455, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series edn, Cambridge University Press.


Farrell, E & Parker, C 2025, 'The connectivity of the normalising and permuting graph of a finite soluble group', Communications in Algebra.

Parker, C & Saunders, J 2024, 'Squares of conjugacy classes and a variant on the Baer-Suzuki Theorem', Israel Journal of Mathematics.

Meierfrankenfeld, U, Parker, C & Stroth, G 2024, 'The global structure theorem for finite groups with an abelian large p-subgroup', Journal of Algebra, vol. 640, pp. 174-215.

van Bon, J & Parker, C 2024, 'Vertex stabilizers of locally s-arc transitive graphs of pushing up type', Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics.,

Parker, C & Stroth, G 2022, 'On the P~!-theorem', Archiv der Mathematik, vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 123-132.

Grazian, V & Parker, C 2022, 'Saturated fusion systems on p-groups of maximal class', Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.

Parker, C & Rowley, P 2021, '2-minimal subgroups of orthogonal groups', Journal of Algebra.

Meierfrankenfeld, U, Parker, C & Rowley, P 2021, 'Rank one isolated p-minimal subgroups in finite groups', Journal of Algebra, vol. 566, pp. 1-93.

Parker, C & Rowley, P 2021, 'The 2-minimal subgroups of symplectic groups', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 225, no. 9, 106643.

Parker, C & Rowley, P 2020, '2-minimal subgroups of monomial, linear and unitary groups', Journal of Algebra, vol. 543, pp. 1-53.

Parker, C & Stroth, G 2019, 'The local structure theorem: the wreath product case', Journal of Algebra.

Parker, C & Semeraro, J 2018, 'Fusion systems over a Sylow p-subgroup of G2(p)', Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 289, no. 1-2, pp. 629–662.

Delizia , C, Parker, C, Moravec, P, Nicotera, C & Jezernik, U 2017, 'Locally finite groups in which every non-cyclic subgroup is self-centralizing', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 221, no. 2, pp. 401–410.

Parker, C & Stroth, G 2016, 'A 2-local identification of PΩ8+(3)', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 220, no. 10.

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