Our PhD students have had their work accepted for presentation at prestigious international venues lately.

Rachel Gunn presented a talk entitled: “Emotions as Evidence in the Delusional Experience” at the AISB conference in Bath on 19 April 2017. The talk features as part of a symposium on The Power of Passion: Human Reason and its Emotional Foundations

Federico Bongiorno is going to present his work on the experience in the Capgras delusion at the International Permanent Workshop entitled Phenomenology Today, at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, on 18 May; at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, on 28 June- 2 July; and at the BSPS 2017 Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, on 13-14 July. 

Matilde Aliffi and Rachel Gunn participated in a Spring School 2017 at Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany on Social Cognition, Emotion and Joint Action (6-10 March). Matilde has also been selected to participate in a 5-day interdisciplinary summer school entitled The Social Brain: Embodiment and Culture (25 June-1 July) organised by the Institute of Philosophy, The Warburg Institute at the University of London, and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. During the summer school she will present her work on whether emotions can be rationally assessed.