Academic staff

Head of the Department

Dr Samantha Weston

Dr Samantha Weston

Associate Professor
Head of Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology

Dr Samantha Weston is an Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham. Her expertise lies within the area of risk prevention and early intervention. Specifically, Samantha’s research focuses on the role of the police within these spaces in ‘managing’, ‘controlling’ and ‘responding to’ what might be otherwise considered already marginalised ...


Academic Staff

Dr Ross Abbinnett

Senior Lecturer in Sociology

His work lies on the intersection of three intellectual traditions: recent continental philosophy (particularly Levinas, Derrida, Baudrillard and Stiegler), German Idealism (especially Kant and Hegel), and the Frankfurt School critique of culture, technology and capitalization.

His work is located in the critical tradition of social theory that began with the Frankfurt School. This tradition is ...

+44 (0)121 414 7707

Helen Abnett

Helen Abnett

Research Fellow

Helen is an ESRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the School of Social Policy and Society.


Dr Sadiya Akram

Dr Sadiya Akram

Associate Professor in Sociology

Sadiya Akram is a specialist in the politics of race. Her research explores the varied ways in which racially marginalised groups mobilise. To date her research has explored race-rioting, the politics of the incarcerated, and Muslim women’s experience of racism. Central to Akram’s research is a conceptual critique of the core concepts relating to debates on racism, and she has ...


Dr Jennifer Allsopp

Dr Jennifer Allsopp

Birmingham Fellow
Founder and Co-Chair, University of Birmingham University of Sanctuary
Co-Founder and Birmingham Lead, Transatlantic Fellows Program

Jennifer’s work centres on how people move and mobilize to support what they perceive to be viable futures for themselves, their families and their societies in the context of migration. She is drawn to interdisciplinarity and often incorporates the humanities to inform the content and practice of her research. She is passionate about comparative studies in international migration and the ...


Dr Gëzim Alpion

Dr Gëzim Alpion

Associate Professor of Sociology
Director of Employability for the School of Social Policy and Society

Educated at Cairo University and Durham University, Gëzim Alpion lectured at the Universities of Huddersfield, Sheffield Hallam, and Newman prior to his appointment in 2002 in the Department of Sociology at the University of Birmingham. He joined the Department of Political Science and International Studies in 2010 and the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology in ...

+44 (0)121 414 3241

Dr Lorenza Antonucci

Dr Lorenza Antonucci

Associate Professor
Deputy Head of Research (Methodology), College of Social Sciences
Co-Director of the Master in Social Research Methods (MASR)

Lorenza Antonucci (she/they) is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology and Deputy Head of Research (Methodology) at the College of Social Sciences at University of Birmingham (UK). Their research is concerned with understanding how societies are changing and reacting to growing socioeconomic insecurity and inequality in Europe and globally.


Professor Adele Atkinson

Professor Adele Atkinson

Professor of Practice in Financial Literacy and Wellbeing (CHASM)

Adele is a Professor of Practice in Financial Literacy and Wellbeing in CHASM. She has 25 years of experience in undertaking rigorous academic and policy research designed to inform evidence-based approaches to improving financial inclusion and wellbeing. Before joining CHASM, she was Head of Financial Education at the OECD, responsible for the programme of work of the International Network on ...


Dr Rachel Ayrton

Dr Rachel Ayrton

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Rachel Ayrton is a sociologist with expertise in research methodology and migration.  She is currently a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity here at Birmingham.

Rachel’s work centres around questions of power and agency, and how these are expressed and constrained in communities that are marginalised and oppressed.  She is particularly ...


Dr Emily Ball

Dr Emily Ball

Lecturer in Social Policy and Social Research Methods

Dr Emily Ball joined the University of Birmingham in 2017. She is a Lecturer in social policy and social research methods, who specialises in family policy and welfare conditionality.


Dr Justyna Bandola-Gill

Dr Justyna Bandola-Gill

Assistant Professor in Sociology and Social Policy

Dr Justyna Bandola-Gill is an interdisciplinary scholar working at the intersection of (Global) Public Policy and Science and Technology Studies. In her research, she explores interactions between science and policy, in particular ways in which knowledge is organised, governed and mobilised across different settings in order to achieve political goals.  Her research explores different ...


Dr Nathaniel Barron

Teaching Associate in Sociology

Nathaniel Barron joined the Department in August 2019. He previously worked at Richmond & Hillcroft Adult Community College, teaching in various areas of Philosophy, including Ancient Philosophy, Political Philosophy, and the Philosophy of Religion. His research is primarily focused on German Social Thought and Continental Philosophy.


Professor Matt Bennett

Professor Matt Bennett

Professor of Social Policy

Matt is a Professor of Social Policy based in the School of Social Policy and Society. He is interested in understanding inequalities in the areas of social care, social diversity and intergroup relations,  and prosocial behaviour. His expertise is in linking and analysing large-scale surveys and administrative datasets using advanced statistical methods to answer applied substantive and ...


Dr Sarah Brooks-Wilson

Dr Sarah Brooks-Wilson

Lecturer in Criminology
Dissertation Convenor

Sarah's academic research is concerned with children and young people’s varied journey impediments and their consequences.

Ideas are drawn from the new mobilities paradigm in order to problematise underexplored areas of children and young people’s lives. In particular, the rejection of static-place based societal understandings, allows movement inequalities to instead be ...

0121 414 5717

Dr Shelley Budgeon

Dr Shelley Budgeon

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Dr Shelley Budgeon is an Honorary Associate Professor in Sociology who specializes in gender and feminist theory. Her research analyses the impact of various forces of social change on the constitution of gender relations and the performance of gendered identities. Her expertise encompasses theories of gendered subjectivity; feminist politics; gender, postfeminism and neoliberalism; sexuality and ...


Dr Saleema F. Burney

Dr Saleema F. Burney

Research Fellow

Dr Burney is a scholar of religion with experience of working with British Muslim communities. Her research interests include ‘lived religion’ in the West, how individuals negotiate religious identities in post-secular societies and research approaches that tackle the increasing populism and division observed in multicultural societies.


Dr Emma Burtt

Dr Emma Burtt

Lecturer in Women, Crime and Criminology

Emma is a Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Birmingham. Her first book, entitled The Lived Experiences of Claiming Wrongful Conviction in Prison, will be published by Routledge Criminology and Criminal Justice in 2023.   

Emma’s research interests include wrongful conviction, the maintenance of innocence and the sociology of prison life. She draws on material from a ...


Dr Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan

Dr Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan

Associate Professor of Criminology

Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Criminology, and is among the Top 2% of the most highly cited scientists in the world based on the metrics compiled by Stanford University. He is ranked Top 0.5% in the subfield of criminology. Dr Chan’s research focuses on sexual homicide, sexual offending, stalking behaviour, juvenile delinquency, psycho-criminology, and Asian ...


Dr Harriet Clarke

Dr Harriet Clarke

Associate Professor

Harriet has extensive experience as a social science educator, PhD supervisor, and researcher. She has a commitment to interdisciplinary learning spaces and research endeavours with specific interests in the intersection of the psy- disciplines with social policy and sociology.

+44(0)121 415 8479

Dr Justin Cruickshank

Dr Justin Cruickshank

Senior Lecturer
Department Director of MA Admissions

Justin entered higher education as a mature student studying an interdisciplinary social science foundation course with the Open University and then went to the University of Kent as a full time student to study for a degree in Politics and Sociology. After that he went to the University of Warwick to study for an MA in Philosophy and Social Theory followed by a PhD in Sociology.

He ...

+44 (0)121 414 6063

Dr Timothy Edgemon

Dr Timothy Edgemon

Assistant Professor of Criminology

Dr Timothy G. Edgemon is an Assistant Professor of Criminology at the University of Birmingham.

His research examines how criminal justice interventions, such as arrest and incarceration, affect the stress and health of justice-involved individuals and how human trafficking related violence affects both the mental and physical health of trafficking survivors.


Dr Tom Farnhill

Dr Tom Farnhill

Lecturer in Social Policy

Tom teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules and is also the School’s Director of Placements and Employability.


Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite

Associate Professor
Deputy Director of Research (Impact), School of Social Policy and Society
Birmingham Fellow

Dr Kayleigh Garthwaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. She is also the Deputy Director of Research (Impact), School of Social Policy and Society.

Kayleigh’s research interests focus on poverty and inequality, social security, and stigma, specifically investigating charitable food provision and food insecurity. Her work is strongly ...

+44 (0)121 414 5717

Dr Lisa Goodson

Dr Lisa Goodson


Lisa Goodson is a lecturer in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology where she co-ordinates social policy research modules at post graduate level as well as teaching and tutoring on undergraduate modules in new migration. Lisa has been at the forefront of research exploring the experiences and consequences of migration in the UK and Europe. Common themes that cut across ...

+44 (0)121 414 4993

Dr James Gregory

Dr James Gregory

Senior Research Fellow

Dr James Gregory received his doctorate in political theory before moving into social and housing policy research.  His housing research started at the Fabian Society, where he was a Senior Research Fellow. James is interested in homeownership, asset-based welfare, and neighbourhood research. In addition to a number of think-tank reports, James has recently published papers in Critical ...

+44(0)121 414 6212

Tina Hearn

Lecturer in Social Policy
Director of Widening Participation and Outreach

Tina is a Lecturer in Social Policy and Director of Widening Participation and Outreach.  She has a particular commitment to the University's widening participation programmes and facilitating the inclusion of a diverse range of students within higher education, through a range of Outreach activities.


+44(0)121 414 2505

Dr Ella Holdsworth

Dr Ella Holdsworth

Research Fellow

Ella Holdsworth is a research fellow in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. She is currently part of the Trauma, Social Harm and Health research team, working on a study which seeking validate the Women’s Risk Need Assessment for use with criminalised women in England and Wales.

Her research focuses on experiences of the criminal justice process and community ...


Professor Rana Jawad

Professor Rana Jawad

Professor of Global Social Policy

Rana Jawad specialises in the social policies and welfare systems of the Middle East and North Africa region, focusing on broad questions about institutional and political change, programme design and the impact of these on poverty and inequality. She is especially interested in the policy and political dynamics (including policy transfer issues) among international actors and the donor ...


Dr Laura Kelly

Dr Laura Kelly

Lecturer in Criminal Justice
School of Social Policy and Society Student Experience Lead

Laura joined the University of Birmingham in October 2017. She previously worked at Durham University and Liverpool John Moores University. Laura’s research interests centre on work with children and young people, particularly in relation to youth crime and justice. She is a member of the Youth Justice Board’s Academic Advisory Panel and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She ...


Dr Andrew Knops

Dr Andrew Knops

Lecturer in Sociology
Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Officer

Andrew lectures in Sociology. His interests lie broadly in political sociology, especially the theory and practice of democracy, although he also teaches research methods. Andrew came to Birmingham as a research fellow in 2000, and was appointed as a lecturer in 2002.

+44 (0)121 414 2728

Dr Anna Kotova

Dr Anna Kotova

Lecturer in Criminology
Student Experience Officer

Anna in a Lecturer in Criminology. Her teaching and research interests are in prison sociology and the collateral impact of imprisonment on families of prisoners. She has researched the impact of long sentences on partners of prisoners in the UK, the experiences of prisoners serving sentences for sex offences in a therapeutic community and the use of video-call technology in prisons. She ...

+44 (0)121 414 4886

Professor Will Leggett

Professor Will Leggett

Professor of Political Sociology

Will Leggett researches and teaches in the areas of political sociology and social and political theory, with a particular focus on the relationship between social change, ideology and political identities and action.


+44 (0)121 415 8628

Dr Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Dr Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Senior Research Fellow, IRiS

Laurence Lessard-Phillips is a Senior Research Fellow who joined the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) in May 2016. Her main research interests lie in the perceptions, measurement, and dimensionality of immigrant adaptation; ethnic inequalities in education and the labour market; the transnational behaviour across immigrant generations; and social inequalities and social mobility. ...


Dr Rodolfo Leyva

Dr Rodolfo Leyva

Lecturer Quantitative Methods

Rodolfo (Rudy) Leyva joined the School of Social Policy and Society in September 2021, as a Lecturer in Quantitative Methods.

Rodolfo is a behavioural-social scientist, with specialisms in cognitive sociology, political-economy, and media psychology. His primary and interdisciplinary research draws on leading theories of ideological hegemony, neurocognition, and enculturation, and employs online ...


Dr Paul David Luke

Dr Paul David Luke

Teaching Associate

Dr Paul Luke is a Teaching Associate at the University of Birmingham where he teaches on Social Policy and Sociology. His research focuses on contemporary debates in the UK welfare state, on (Universal) Basic Income as a policy debate, and on utopia as a methodological tool of sociology.


Dr Kelly Mackenzie

Dr Kelly Mackenzie

Research Fellow

Kelly is a member of the Women, Crime and Justice Research Group (WCJR). She is currently working on Workstream 3 of the Effective Women's Centres Project. 

She has both an academic and practice-based background having supported victim-survivors in a domestic abuse service following the completion of her PhD.  Kelly is also a member of the organising committee for the  Violenc ...


Dr Angelo Martins Junior

Dr Angelo Martins Junior

Assistant Professor in Sociology

Angelo Martins Jr is an Assistant Professor in Sociology. He undertakes ethnographic research in the areas of difference, intersectionality, social inequalities and decolonial sociological approaches to contribute to debates on Migration, as well as on ‘Modern Slavery’. 

Angelo has carried out extensive research on how differences of ‘race’, class and gender, rooted ...


Pip McKnight

Pip McKnight

Research and Impact Fellow

Pip McKnight is a Research and Impact Fellow in the Institute for Research into Superdiversity where she is working on the reach and influence of the SEREDA project, led by Professor Jenny Phillimore. A registered midwife, Pip’s background supporting pregnant asylum seekers led her research interests in forced migration, gender and reproductive health. She is also skilled in facilitating ...


Dr Daniel Mitchell

Dr Daniel Mitchell

Lecturer in Criminology
Departmental Enhancement Officer

Daniel is a Lecturer in Criminology in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminologyat the University of Birmingham. He teaches across the 3 years of the undergraduate programme, as a module convenor for Violence in a Global Context and Crime and Society.  Daniel also supervises a number of final year dissertations, providing advice and guidance on undergraduate research ...

+44(0)121 415 1066

Professor Paul Montgomery

Professor Paul Montgomery

Professor of Social Intervention
Cross Whitehall Trials Panel Advisor and Affiliate Professor at the Department of Family Studies, University of Malta

Prof Montgomery arrived at the University of Birmingham in 2017 to take up his current post after twenty years at Oxford University where he was Professor of Psycho-social Intervention. His work is methodologically based in three main areas: Systematic Reviews, Trials (many of them RCTs) and Methods Advances in Complex Interventions. Topically, his work is wide ranging and includes Sleep, Educatio ...


Dr Özlem Ögtem-Young

Dr Özlem Ögtem-Young

Research Fellow
Research Lead (Poverty, Precarity, Saving and Debt)

Özlem Ögtem-Young is a Research Fellow and Research Theme Lead (Poverty, Precarity, Savings and Debt) for  the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) within the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology, developing and undertaking research into issues of poverty, precarity and financial insecurity amongst socially and economically ...


Dr Louise Overton

Dr Louise Overton

Associate Professor in Social Policy
Director of the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM)

Louise is an Associate Professor in Social Policy and Director of the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM). Her research interests focus on older people and personal finance (and personal finance-related issues), including financial security, financial advice, and the regulation of consumer financial services.

Louise’s research is strongly empirical, but against a ...

+44(0)121 415 1066

Dr Anna Papoutsi

Dr Anna Papoutsi

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Anna Papoutsi is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow (2022-2025) at the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. Her project, Border time: everyday temporal practices in Athens, Berlin, and Liverpool, aims to unveil, analyse and conceptualise the temporalities of border control and the politics of time involved in migration governance. Border Timeis designed around three urban ...


Professor Simon Pemberton

Professor Simon Pemberton

Professor in Social Policy and Criminology
Postgraduate Taught Admissions Lead

Simon is a Professor in Social Policy and Criminology currently researching aspects of social harm caused by states and corporations, as well as social structures, in particular the harms caused by inequality. 

+44(0)121 415 8025

Professor Jenny Phillimore

Professor Jenny Phillimore

Professor of Migration and Superdiversity

Jenny Phillimore is Professor of Migration and Superdiversity. She is a world leading scholar in refugee integration, superdiversity and access to social welfare with a particular focus on public health.  Jenny is also an expert on Community Sponsorship.

She managers teams of researchers focusing on access to health, education, employment, training, and housing integration with a particular ...

+44(0)121 414 7822

Dr Frankie Rogan

Dr Frankie Rogan

Associate Professor of Sociology
Deputy Head of Department

Frankie is a Lecturer in Sociology and Director of Undergraduate Admissions in the School of Social Policy and Society.

Her research focuses largely on the role of new media technologies in producing gendered identities, particularly new femininities and new masculinities. Frankie has also collaborated with colleagues in the Birmingham Business School, researching alongside Professor Isabelle ...


Dr Seb Rumsby

Dr Seb Rumsby

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow

Seb Rumsby is an interdisciplinary scholar with a wide range of interests including everyday politics, labour exploitation, undocumented migration, ethno-religious politics, grassroots development and non-national histories. Seb unites these diverse themes with an empirical focus on Southeast Asian worlds and people. Seb undertook his PhD at University of Warwick’s department of Politics ...


Dr Denise Ruprai

Dr Denise Ruprai

Research Fellow

Denise Ruprai is a Research Fellow on the Women's Risk Need Assessment (WRNA) project, investigating Trauma and Health in justice involved women, with multiple complex needs, such as substance misuse and mental health difficulties. She has with extensive knowledge of neuropsychology - imaging, anatomy, psychiatry - and trauma related research, along with versatile experience in complex data ...


Professor Nando Sigona

Professor Nando Sigona

Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement
Director of IRiS

Professor Nando Sigona has over twenty years of research experience in the field of migration and forced displacement.

He is Chair of International Migration and Forced Displacement at the University of Birmingham, UK where he teaches sociology of migration, displacement and citizenship. He is the Director of the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity(IRIS). ...

+44(0)121 415 8030

Dr Chris Q Smith

Assistant Professor in Sociology & Social Policy

Chris teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules in the Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. His research largely focuses on the sociology of health systems and organisations. During his time at the University Chris has also held Research Fellow posts with the Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) and Health Services Management Centre ...


Dr Neil Stephens

Dr Neil Stephens

Associate Professor in Technology and Society

Neil (he/him) is a sociologist and Science and Technology Studies scholar. A key focus has been innovation in biotechnology, and he has conducted research about the politics of stem cell science, mitochondrial donation, and cultured meat, among others.

Neil has conducted a diversity of public and policy engagement activities. This includes multiple appearances in newspapers and broadcasts across ...


Dr Evelyn Svingen

Dr Evelyn Svingen

Assistant Professor in Criminology

Dr Evelyn Svingen is an Assistant Professor in Criminology with an interest in the biosocial mechanisms of etiology of crime. Her main research area is within the fields of evolutionary psychology and behavioural economics, in which she uses game theory experiments in order to explain how people cooperate as a group and how it might lead to criminal behaviours. 

She is also interested in ...


Dr András Vörös

Dr András Vörös

Associate Professor in Quantitative Methods

Andras's research focuses on the measurement and statistical analysis of social networks (both offline and online) in various settings. He interested in how social relations evolve over time and how they affect individual and group outcomes. He has experience collecting empirical data and modelling such phenomena in educational and professional contexts. In line with these interests, Andras's ...


Dr Emma Watkins

Dr Emma Watkins

Associate Professor in Criminology

Emma is an Associate Professor in Criminology and an AHRC Research, Development & Engagement Fellow (2023-25) working on Institutional Abuse: Reformatory Schools and the use of physical force’. As an historical criminologist, Emma uses a social harm perspective in her work to explore the use of institutions and policy to control marginalised populations. Emma was awarded her PhD ...

Dr Samantha Weston

Dr Samantha Weston

Associate Professor
Head of Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology

Dr Samantha Weston is an Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham. Her expertise lies within the area of risk prevention and early intervention. Specifically, Samantha’s research focuses on the role of the police within these spaces in ‘managing’, ‘controlling’ and ‘responding to’ what might be otherwise considered already marginalised ...


Dr Yuchen Yang

Dr Yuchen Yang

Assistant Professor in Sociology

Dr Yuchen Yang is an Assistant Professor in Sociology. He specializes in the interactionist studies of gender and sexuality, children and youth, culture and semiotics, social category and language use, as well as social theory and qualitative methodology.
