‘Worker-led dissent in the age of austerity: comparing the conditions of success’, Work, Employment and Society. There is also an accompaning webiste
‘Social democracy at a crossroads: between protests and the polls in the British Labour Party’, co-authored with Bradley Ward, in FEPS Next Left: Progressive Proposals for the Turbulent Times: How to boost the political, organizational and electoral potential.
Whose system, what change? A Critical Political Economy approach to the UK climate movement, Environmental Politics, co-authored with Oscar Berglund.
‘'Real Democracy in a Time of Coronavirus-Crisis Capitalism', co-authored with Monica Clua-Losada and Saori Shibata, in The Crisis and Future of Democracy, (Brussels, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels Office).
Contesting neoliberalism after the global economic crisis: mapping the terrain of social conflict, Capital and Class, co-authored with Paul Lewis and Saori Shibata.
Dissent within the global political economy: four frustrations, and some alternatives, Global Political Economy, co-authored with Bernd Bonfert and Mònica Clua-Losada.
'Accumulation', in Jon C. W. Pevehouse and Leonard Seabrooke (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy, (Oxford University Press).
‘Variegated anti-austerity: exploring the demise and rise of class struggle during the crisis of neoliberalism’, co-authored with Nikolai Huke, Paul Lewis, and Saori Shibata, Social Policy and Society 20(1): 158-71.
‘Post-capitalism and Associated Reactions: Mapping Alternative Routes and Transcending Strategic Certainty’, in A. Fishwick and N. Kiersey (eds.) Post-capitalist Futures: Political Economy beyond Crisis and Hope, (London, Pluto Press), pp. 174-95.
'Forum introduction: Decolonising green Marxism: Capitalism, decolonialism and radical environmental politics', co-authored with José Pablo Prado Córdova, Capital and Class. Available: DOI:10.1177/0309816820929114
Covid-19, Critical Political Economy, and the End of Neoliberalism?, co-authored with Bernd Bonfert, Owen Worth, and Yuliya Yurchenko, The European Sociologist.
‘Struggle, resistance and disruption in austerity Europe’, co-authored with Mònica Clua-Losada, Nikolai Huke, Olatz Ribera Almandoz, in H. Hosseini, B. Gills, J. Goodman and S. Motta (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies, (London, Routledge).
'Anti-austerity between militant materialism and real democracy: exploring pragmatic prefigurativism’, co-authored with Nikolai Huke, Mònica Clua-Losada and Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, Globalizations 17(5): 766-781
‘Mapping anti-austerity discourse among social movements: populism, sloganeering, and/or realism?’, in G. Charalambous and G. Ioannou (eds.), Left Radicalism and Populism in Europe, (London, Routledge).
Decade of dissent: how protest is shaking the UK and why it’s likely to continue, The Conversation 3 January 2020.
The future of protest is high tech – just look at the Catalan independence movement, co-authored with Monica Clua Losada, The Conversation 5 November 2019.
Extra-capitalist impulses in the midst of the crisis: perspectives and positions outside of capitalism, Globalizations 16(4): 371-85.
‘Austerity and Anti-Austerity: the political economy of refusal in ‘low resistance’ models of capitalism’, co-authored with Saori Shibata, British Journal of Political Science 49(2): 683-709. Further details of the research that contributes to this article
Neither Brexit nor Remain: disruptive solidarity initiatives in a time of false promises and anti-democracy, Contemporary Social Science. 14(2): 256-75
‘Contesting austerity in low resistance models of capitalism’, co-authored with Saori Shibata, in Adam Fishwick and Heather Connolly (eds.), Austerity and Working-Class Resistance: Survival, Disruption and Creation in Hard Times (London: Rowman and Littlefield International).
Huke, N., Bailey, D.J., Clua-Losada, M., Lux, J., Ribera-Almandoz, O., 2018, Disrupting European authoritarianism: Grassroots organizing, collective action and participatory democracy during the Eurozone crisis, transnational institute (tni) paper.
‘Neoliberalism and the left: before and after the crisis’, in Damien Cahill, Martijn Konings, Melinda Cooper and David Primrose (eds.) Sage Handbook of Neoliberalism (Sage).
‘Misperceiving matters, again: stagnating neoliberalism, Brexit and the pathological responses of Britain’s political elite’, British Politics. British Politics 13(1): 48-64. doi: 10.1057/s41293-018-0072-1
‘Contention in the age of austerity in Europe: The emergence of new alternatives?’, co-authored with Louisa Parks, Comparative European Politics 16(1): 1-8.
‘Challenging the age of austerity: disruptive agency during the European crisis in the UK and Spain’, co-authored with Nikolai Huke, Mònica Clua-Losada, Olatz Ribera Almandoz and Kelly Rodgers, Comparative European Politics 16(1): 9-31.
Beyond Defeat and Austerity: Disrupting (the Critical Political Economy of) Neoliberal Europe, (co-authored with Nikolai Huke, Mònica Clua-Losada and Olatz Ribera Almandoz) (London, Routledge/RIPE Global Political Economy series).
A blog to accompany this book is also available.
Protest Movements and Parties of the Left: Affirming Disruption, (London, Rowman and Littlefield International, 2017).
‘Obstacles to ‘Social Europe”, in P. Kennett and N. Lendvai (eds.) Handbook of European Social Policy (London, Edward Elgar, 2017).
‘Capitalist crisis or crisis of capitalism? How the radical left conceptualises the crisis’, in L. March and D. Keith (eds.), Europe’s Radical Left: From Marginality to the Mainstream? (London: Rowman & Littlefield International,).
'Socio-economic Policy Making and the Contemporary Prospects for a 'Social Europe' Alternative', in E. Stetter, K. Duffek and A. Skrzypek (eds.), Next Left: Delivering Empowered Welfare Societies (Foundation for European Progressive Studies: Brussels and Renner Institute: Vienna), pp. 166-84.
Hard Evidence: this is the Age of Dissent – and there’s much more to come, The Conversation 11 January 2016.
The End of the European Left? Social Democracy, Hope, Disillusion, and Europe, Near Futures Online 1, (March 2016).
‘Disrupting the European Crisis: a Critical Political Economy of Contestation, Subversion and Escape’, co-authored with Nikolai Huke and Mònica Clua-Losada, New Political Economy 20(5): 725-51.
'Resistance is futile? The impact of disruptive protest in the ‘silver age of permanent austerity’', Socio-Economic Review 13(1): 5-32.
The European Left after Recession and Representation: Social Democracy or Bust?, E-International Relations, 14 June 2015.
‘Responding to New Patterns of Social Contestation: the Politics of Protest Management during the Global Economic Crisis’, in Stetter, E., Duffek, K. and Skrzypek, A. (eds.), Next Left: For a connecting progressive agenda, (Poland, FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies), pp. 20-35.
European Social Democracy During the Global Economic Crisis: Renovation or Resignation? (co-edited with J.M. De Waele, F. Escalona and M. Vieira) (Manchester, Manchester University Press).
‘Varieties of Contestation: the Comparative and Critical Political Economy of ‘Excessive’ Demand’, co-authored with Saori Shibata, Capital and Class 38(1): 239-51.
‘Contending the Crisis: What Role for Extra-Parliamentary British Politics?’ British Politics 9(1): 68-92.
On Political Will in the Era of Austerity, in More Europe Vs. No Europe: Europarties and Euroscepticism in the 2014 European Elections (Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Fondazione Italianieuropei).
Democracy without walls, in E. Wallis and A. Skrzypek-Claassens (eds.) Back to Earth: Reconnecting people and politics (Fabian Society and Foundation for European Progressive Studies).
'Palliating terminal Social Democratic decline at the EU-level?', in D.J. Bailey, J.M. De Waele, F. Escalona and M. Vieira (eds.), European Social Democracy During the Global Economic Crisis: Renovation or Resignation?, (Manchester, Manchester University Press).
‘The European Union as a conveniently-conflicted counter-hegemon through trade’, co-authored with Fabienne Bossuyt, Journal of Contemporary European Research 9(4): 560-77.
European Democracy after Social Democracy, in E. Stetter, K. Duffek and A. Skrzypek (eds.) Next Left: In the name of political union – Europarties on the rise, (Foundation for European Progressive Studies).
'Struggle (or its Absence) during the Crisis: What Power is Left?', co-authored with Stephen Bates, Journal of Political Power Vol. 5(2), pp. 195-216.
‘The Impossibility of Social Democracy: From Unfailing Optimism to Enlightened Pessimism in the 'Re-Social Democratisation' Debate’, in G. Strange and O. Worth (eds.), European Regionalism and the Left, (Manchester, Manchester University Press).
'#Occupy: Strategic Dilemmas, Lessons Learned?', Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, Issue 5, pp. 138-42.
The European Union and Global Governance: A Handbook, (co-edited with J.U. Wunderlich) (London: Routledge).
'The European Union in the World: Critical Theories', in J.U. Wunderlich and D.J. Bailey (eds.), The European Union and Global Governance: A Handbook, (London, Routledge).
‘The European Rescue, Recommodification, and/or Reterritorialization of the (Becoming-Capitalist) State? Marx, Deleuze, Guattari, and the European Union’, Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 13(4), pp. 325-53.
The Political Economy of European Social Democracy: A Critical Realist Approach, (London, Routledge).
‘The Transition to ‘New’ Social Democracy: the role of capitalism, representation, and (hampered) contestation’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 11(4).
‘Explaining the underdevelopment of ‘Social Europe’: A critical realization’, Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 18(3).
‘Misperceiving Matters: Elite Ideas and the Failure of the European Constitution’, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 6 (1).
‘Neither Pragmatic Adaptation nor Misguided Accommodation: Modernization as Domination in the Chilean and British Left’, co-authored with Sara C. Motta, Capital and Class 92.
‘Governance or the Crisis of Governmentality? Applying Critical State Theory at the European Level’, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13(1).
‘Obfuscation through Integration: Legitimating ‘New’ Social Democracy in the European Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 43(1), pp. 13-35.
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