Recent publications
Cianetti, L 2019, The Quality of Divided Democracies: Minority Inclusion, Exclusion, and Representation in the New Europe. University of Michigan Press.
Cianetti, L 2023, 'Here we go again! Repetition and the politics of inclusive institutional reform', Journal of European Public Policy.
Cianetti, L & Hanley, S 2021, 'The end of the backsliding paradigm', Journal of Democracy, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 66-80.
Cianetti, L 2020, 'Governing the multicultural city: Europe’s ‘great urban expectations’ facing austerity and resurgent nativism', Urban Studies.
Cianetti, L 2018, 'Consolidated technocratic and ethnic hollowness, but no backsliding: Reassessing Europeanisation in Estonia and Latvia', East European Politics.
Cianetti, L 2018, 'Rethinking “democratic backsliding” in Central and Eastern Europe – Looking beyond Hungary and Poland', East European Politics.
Cianetti, L 2018, 'Trickle-Down Social Inclusion: The EU Minorities Agenda in Times of Crisis', JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies.
Cianetti, L & Nakai, R 2016, 'Critical Trust in European Institutions: The Case of the Russian-speaking Minorities in Estonia and Latvia', Problems of Post-Communism , vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 276-290.
Cianetti, L 2015, 'Integrating Minorities in Times of Crisis: Issues of displacement in the Estonian and Latvian Integration Programs', Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
Cianetti, L 2014, 'Granting Local Voting Rights to Non-Citizens in Estonia and Latvia: The Conundrum of Minority Representation in Two Divided Democracies', Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe.
Hanley, S & Cianetti, L 2024, Central and Eastern Europe. in The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. 1st edn, Routledge International Handbooks, Routledge, pp. 473-489.
Sikk, A & Cianetti, L 2015, Political Mechanics of Smallness: The Baltic States as Small States in the European Parliament. in Small States in the Modern World. Edward Elgar.
Cianetti, L & Lončar, J 2018, 'Representation of minorities: perspectives and challenges', Nationalities Papers, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 197-201.
Review article
Cianetti, L 2017, '[BOOK REVIEW] Russian-speakers in Post-Soviet Latvia. By AMMON CHESKIN, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2016.', Journal of Contemporary European Studies.
Web publication/site
Cianetti, L, Diaphra (aka Biru), AP, Mbengue, G, Moledina, F & Strokins, A, What Happened to the Multicultural City?, 2021, Web publication/site. <>
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