Recent publications
Wheeler, N & Dunn, D 2024, Drones, Force and Law: European Perspectives. Elements in International Relations, 1 edn, Cambridge University Press. <>
Wyatt, C & Dunn, D 2019, 'Seeing things differently: nang, tura, zolm, and other cultural factors in Taliban attitudes to drones', Ethnopolitics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 201-217.
Dunn, D & Webber, M 2017, 'The UK, the European Union and NATO: Brexit’s Unintended Consequences', Global Affairs, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 471-480.
Dunn, D & Wolff, S 2013, 'Drone Use In Counter Insurgency and Counter Terrorism: Policy or Policy Component?', Journal of the Royal United Services Institute.
Dunn, D & McClellend, M 2013, 'Shale Gas and the Revival of America Power: Debunking Decline', International Affairs, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 1411-1428.
Dunn, D 2011, 'UK–US Relations After the Three Bs – Blair, Brown and Bush', Defence and Security Analysis, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5-18.
Dunn, D 2009, 'Assessing the Debate, Assessing the Damage: Transatlantic Relations after Bush', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 4-24.
Dunn, D 2009, 'Commanding neither Respect nor Support: George W. Bush and the Creation of US Africa Command', Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 35-38.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Dunn, D 2017, The Iraq Syndrome Revisited: America's Use Force Debate Under Obama. in The Art of Creating Power: Freedman on Strategy. Hart Publishing.
Dunn, D 2016, Shifting sands: the Shale revolution, US energy independence, and the geopolitical consequences. in The USA and Canada 2017. Routledge.
Dunn, D & Avenell, E 2016, US-UK Special Relationship. in Oxford Bibliographies: Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford University Press.
Dunn, D & Avenell, E 2016, Crisis Diplomacy. in The Sage Handbook of Diplomacy. SAGE Publications, pp. 462-475.
Lock-Pullan, R & Dunn, D 2016, Summit Diplomacy. in The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy . SAGE Publications, London, pp. 231-241.
Dunn, D & McClelland, M 2015, The Resilience of American power: The US energy revolution and its geopolitical implications in the twilight of the Obama era. in USA and Canda 2016. Europa Publications.
Dunn, D 2013, Transatlantic Relations and US Foreign Policy Under Obama. in I Parmer, LB Miller & M Ledwidge (eds), New Directions in US Foreign Policy. 2 edn, Routledge.
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