Highlight publications
Yeung, K & Lodge, M (eds) 2019, Algorithmic Regulation. Oxford University Press.
Yeung, K 2019, 'Regulation by blockchain: the emerging battle for supremacy between the code of law and code as law', Modern Law Review, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 207-239. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.12399
Yeung, K 2018, 'Algorithmic regulation: a critical interrogation', Regulation & Governance, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 505-523. https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12158
Yeung, K 2016, 'Hypernudge: Big Data as a mode of regulation by design', Information, Communication and Society, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 118-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2016.1186713
Yeung, K, Howes, A & Pogrebna, G 2020, AI Governance by Human Rights Centred-Design, Deliberation and Oversight: An End to Ethics Washing. in The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI. Oxford University Press.
Recent publications
Yeung, K & Harkens, A 2023, 'How do "technical" design choices made when building algorithmic decision-making tools for criminal justice authorities create constitutional dangers? (Part I)', Public Law, vol. 2023, no. Apr, pp. 265-286. <https://uk.westlaw.com/Document/I6423CB50BE7211ED9B49D222A61966AB/View/FullText.html>
Yeung, K & Harkens, A 2023, 'How do ‘technical’ design-choices made when building algorithmic decision-making tools for criminal justice authorities create constitutional dangers? Part II', Public Law, no. Jul, pp. 448-472. <https://uk.westlaw.com/Document/I3AF53F4004CA11EEAEE6B640426E812F/View/FullText.html>
Yeung, K 2023, 'The New Public Analytics as an Emerging Paradigm in Public Sector Administration', Tilburg Law Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 1–32. https://doi.org/10.5334/tilr.303
Ulbricht, L & Yeung, K 2021, 'Algorithmic regulation: a maturing concept for investigating regulation of and through algorithms', Regulation & Governance. https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12437
Yeung, K & Lee A, B 2021, 'Demystifying the modernized European data protection regime: cross-disciplinary insights from legal and regulatory governance scholarship', Regulation & Governance. https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12401
Timothy, E & Yeung, K 2021, 'The death of law? Computationally personalised norms and the rule of law', University of Toronto Law Journal. https://doi.org/10.3138/utlj-2021-0011
Yeung, K 2021, 'The health care sector’s experience of blockchain: a cross-disciplinary investigation of its real transformative potential', Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 12, e24109. https://doi.org/10.2196/24109
Yeung, K 2020, 'INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO RECOMMENDATION OF THE COUNCIL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (OECD)', American Journal of International Law, vol. 59, no. 1. <https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-legal-materials/article/recommendation-of-the-council-on-artificial-intelligence-oecd/EC74B60333EEB276393DB53307519B19>
Harkens, A, Yeung, K, Achtziger, A, Felfel, J, Krafft, T, Koenig, P, Schmees, J, Schultz, W, Wenzelburger, G & Zweig , K 2020, 'The Rise of AI-based Decision-Making Tools in the Criminal Justice: Implications for Judicial Integrity', Commonwealth Judicial Journal , vol. 25, no. 2.
Yeung, K 2023, Lost in translation: the troubling logics underpinning the embrace of governmental machine-learning based prediction tools for ‘citizen scoring’ . in D Van Den Meerssche, G Sullivan & F Johns (eds), Global Governance by Data : Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule. Cambridge University Press.
Yeung, K & Lodge, M 2019, Algorithmic regulation: an introduction. in K Yeung & M Lodge (eds), Algorithmic Regulation. Oxford University Press, pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198838494.003.0001
Commissioned report
Yeung, K 2019, Responsibility and AI: Council of Europe Study DGI(2019)05. Council of Europe. <https://rm.coe.int/responsability-and-ai-en/168097d9c5>
Yeung, K 2022, 'Constitutional principles in a networked digital society', The Impact of Digitization on Constitutional Law, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31/01/22 - 1/02/22. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4049141
Other contribution
Damen, W, Harkens, A, Li, W, Ahmed-Rengers, E & Yeung, K 2021, Data protection in post-Brexit Britain: a response to the government of the United Kingdom’s public consultation on reforms to the data protection regime (“Data: A new direction”). SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/uszqp
Smuha, N, Ahmed-Rengers, E, Harkens, A, Li, W, Maclaren, J, Piselli, R & Yeung, K 2021, How the EU can achieve legally trustworthy AI: a response to the European Commission’s proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act. SSRN.
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