Meet Martha

BA in History and History of Art
  • Close-up of hands on an art textbook

    Hi, I'm Martha!

    I'm a third year History and Art History student. I have loved my time at the University, and all the opportunities it has given me.

    Discover our History of Art courses

How did you choose your degree subject?

I have always loved history, especially the social and cultural aspects of it, so it was easy for me to choose it as a subject in university. However, I hadn't heard of the subject of Art History until I came to UoB and discovered it through my flatmate in first year. It was such a new and interesting subject to me, that I independently studied it alongside my history course in first year, and was able to change my course to a joint honours degree, with History and Art History, in my second year here! 

Best module?

I have found that studying History and Art History at UoB has led to many unique and interesting modules. One of these was a module on Parisian art and architecture, which involved a week-long trip to Paris so we could go and study the art there in person! This was an amazing opportunity I wouldn't have had otherwise, and was an exciting way to introduce me to many new aspects of art history and historical research.

What's the most underrated spot in Birmingham?

While the main areas of Birmingham, from the city centre to Digbeth, are great places to go, I have to say the most underrated spot is Cannon Hill Park. Here there's a big lake, and a park which is lovely in summer, as well as cafes and bars, sports pitches, MAC art gallery and cinema, and even a wildlife park!

What's one piece of advice you can share for incoming students?

One piece of advice I would give to new students is to give yourself time to enjoy all the experiences of university life. Engage in your studies and find something that is an interest to you, but also enjoy the time outside your degree - get involved in different opportunities, find new hobbies, and create new experiences.

The University of Birmingham is an excellent place to discover new paths - whether that's finding a new degree, gaining useful and different work experiences, or finding out new interests in potential career paths. Whether you know what to do after university or not, there are so many opportunities offered to you here in Birmingham.