Meet Sophie

BA Theology and Religion
  • Aerial view of students walking around on campus

    Hi! I'm Sophie, and I am a second year Theology and Religion student.

    I have a developing interest in Christian Art and I aspire to be a museum curator.

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How did you choose your degree subject?

Since doing GCSE Religious Studies, I've been interested in religion, Christian literature and art. It's important you choose a degree that excites and interests you - religion is a subject that I am passionate about.
Choosing Theology and Religion at Birmingham was a great opportunity for me to pursue my passion for Christian art. 

Best module?

My favourite module so far is "Truth and Deception in Philosophy and Film".
It was interesting to see how the ideas of thinkers such as Descartes, Plato and Kierkegaard, can be found in films like The Matrix, Twelve Monkeys and Get Out. 

What's the most underrated spot in Birmingham?

In my opinion, the most underrated spot in Birmingham is Winterbourne House and Gardens. It's a beautiful, peaceful, historic venue that is perfect for studying and relaxing. Plus, University of Birmingham students get access for free!

What's one piece of advice you can share for incoming students?

If I could give any advice, it would be: know that you're not alone. Every first year is anxious to start university, but these worries disappear as you settle in. Share your anxieties with your peers, and look out for one another, you're not alone. Enjoy your time at university! These years are going to be some of the best and most interesting times of your life, so get involved and have fun!