Campus life

Food, drink and sustainability on campus

Caring for the environment is at the centre of campus life. Our food and drink is fresh and authentic, as well as great for you and the planet. We cook using only the freshest ingredients and champion sustainable produce and local suppliers in everything we prepare.

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    Food and drink

    At Birmingham there are plenty of options for eating and drinking on campus, with a range of cafes, restaurants and pop-up food outlets where you can grab a bite to eat between lectures. There are also lots of places to pick up food so that you can cook for yourself – an important part of finding your independence! There are regular farmers markets on campus to pick up raw ingredients and tasty takeaway treats, and there are student bars where you can get a drink and catch up with friends. The University has a Catering Charter which details how we uphold our commitment to providing students and visitors with high-quality food and drink, produced with sustainability in mind.

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    Sustainability on campus

     Caring for the environment is at the centre of campus life, including a range of initiatives around plastic waste, green travel, biodiversity, energy usage, and embedding sustainability across all that we do. Our Green Community accommodation offer is a unique offering for those keen to explore sustainable living methods within their home, and our Guild of Students hosts a range of groups and societies for those interested in the environment. We even have our own forestry research centre looking at the impact of climate and environmental change on woodlands. We embed sustainable design into our new buildings, there are cycle and e-scooter hire schemes on campus, and we actively support students in becoming sustainable members of the University community.