Mosaddeque Shahrier

Find out how studying at the University of Birmingham helped Mosaddeque achieve his career goals.
  • Mosaddeque Shahrier outside facing camera

    My Graduate Story

    My name is Mosaddeque Shahrier, and I completed an MSc Marketing Communication at the University of Birmingham.

    I am founder and CEO of a company called Dragon Holidays BD. It is an international and outbound travel company. We help individual & corporate travellers to simplify their international travel journey while promoting & encouraging responsible & sustainable tourism. I started the company back in 2015 when I started my MSc program in UOB.

A Day in my Life

Typically I like to divide my tasks into long term & short term work. Short term tasks consist of checking on day to day operations, customer acquisition efforts, existing customer service delivery status etc. Long term work involves planning & strategizing for business growth.


My Journey to Dragon Holidays BD

After graduation from UOB I have been working for my own company so I did not look for a job although I got a few job offers from head hunters for top FMCGs in the country.


My Birmingham Experience

The learning experience at UOB is excellent. It is not only an academic experience rather it is a full on professional & life experience. The program not only gives you the opportunity to work with a versatile group of people from around the world but also it is designed with several professional training opportunities that come in handy no matter if you are working for a company or you are an entrepreneur.


Birmingham's Impact

UOB has an excellent career counselling service. Although I did not need it for job searching, I attended several events it organized which introduced the students to different industry personnel & vice-versa. It also provided training on networking & how to navigate the job market of the future. So the things we learned there are valuable tools to build our career. The best thing I would say about my course is that it's a versatile program with everything from branding, to technical courses like marketing analytics to professional PR training. It gives you knowledge & training to handle real life situations.


My Achievements 

I led several groups in my courses. To me my biggest achievement was getting the love, support & respect from my fellow teammates. We couldn't get first place in all of the work that we did but we supported each other 100%. Sometimes we stayed at the campus late at night to finish our work as a team. It was an exhausting but fulfilling experience.


Advice for Students

  1. Focus on what you are interested in. Don't get overwhelmed with what other people are doing these days. Not everyone has to become a millionaire before they are 30.
  2. Appreciate the things that you have in your life. It will make the journey much more meaningful & wholesome.