Young carers

If you are a young carer, we can offer you a range of additional support to help with your transition from school or college to university.
Who are young carers?
Young carers are children and young people under 18 who help to look after a family member who is disabled, physically or mentally ill or has a substance misuse problem. The Carers Trust estimates that there are around 700,000 young carers in the UK. One of the challenges this group faces is that their educational progress may be disrupted through poor attendance, underachievement, or bullying.
Support for young carers
We are committed to providing you with support if you decide to apply to the University of Birmingham. Our goal is to ensure that you can thrive in your studies, even if you have caring responsibilities.
Young Carer Award
The University is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of awards worth £2,000 per year of study to young carers aged 18-25, who are currently studying at the University of Birmingham. Students must provide evidence to demonstrate that they are young adult carers and complete an online application form if they would like to apply. Applications for the 2023/24 academic year open in autumn 2023. Read more about the Young Carer Award.
Student Services
Student Services would like to encourage you to use the wide range of support the University has to offer. They provide advice and support in specialist areas such as counselling and wellbeing, disability, learning support, mental health, and student funding.
Contact and information
For further information about the support available to you, please email Lois Boyle at l.j.boyle@bham.ac.uk or studentcarers@contacts.bham.ac.uk or visit the Student Services webpage.