HEFi is pleased to announce Lecture Capture resource updates and improvements for colleagues when planning to use lecture capture. Together these better support the principles of the University’s Lecture Capture Code of Practice.

Whilst lecture capture is popular with students, it is recognised that many do not know the best way to use it. Recent research (Nordmann et al. (2018)) highlights how using lecture capture solely for revision purposes is ineffective. More effective use of recordings is to use them to clarify notes taken during the face to face session and to review any tricky topic areas. Nordmann has also produced a useful study guide for students, this is available from the HEFi Learning and Teaching Gateway (Resources for Students) and is also made available to students through their welcome toolkit and Canvas introduction.

Providing a module overview in advance of your teaching, detailing which taught sessions will be captured with Panopto and which additional resources will be made available where taught sessions are not recorded will allow students to better plan their study after the taught sessions. The Lecture Capture Code of Practice suggests examples of alternative supporting resources including; detailed lecture notes; enhanced notes supporting the slides; a podcast; or a video. Samples of these resources and the module overview are available in the HEFi Learning and Teaching Gateway.

With effect from the Academic Year 2019/20,  HEFi will schedule the creation of Panopto folders linked to Canvas courses at the beginning of each Semester. This negates the existing requirement for module leads to ‘click the link’ from Canvas in order to create the folder ahead of using the lecture capture system. The benefits of this change is an easier workflow for academic colleagues and the faster correct location of lecture recordings captured with the automatic system, in particular at the beginning of each term.

HEFi will further improve the workflow by enabling the Panopto link in all Canvas course menus:

Panopto Screenshot

Currently this must be enabled manually by module leads within each Canvas course. The benefits of this change are for Students to have immediate access to the Panopto folder and to recordings as soon as they are made (allowing for system processing times); and for staff to access the link when they need it for recording or for reviewing recordings.

Further information on how to use Event Capture is available from the HEFi Learning and Teaching Gateway.

Training sessions in Using Panopto to support teaching, learning and assessment are being run by HEFi in September. More details, dates and booking.

HEFi Digital Team