The teaching landscape has been changing with increasing use of Digital and blended approaches. Now the impact of Covid-19 presents obvious challenges to our current teaching models, but it also brings opportunities to engage with our campus-based students in flexible and effective ways and to think about delivery of learning at distance, for example in Dubai.  Moving some or all of your teaching online need not be a daunting task – we have colleagues here at UoB who are happy to share their tips and experience to help. This short online seminar -- hosted by HEFi and LES -- will get you started, with more support to come throughout the summer.

  • Intro – Joe Berry (5 mins)
  • Benefits and Opportunities of moving online – Vicky Goodyear (5 mins)
  • Tips from past Open University experience – Vincent Gauci (5 mins)
  • Support from HEFi – Joe Berry (5 mins)
  • Q&A (10 mins)

In response to the current situation, the COVID Planning Committee Online Assessment and Teaching working group have developed a Canvas resource: MDS Online Teaching and Assessment: The Art of the Possible. 

This resource is now available for the entire college academic community to use as a support tool in developing your teaching and assessment delivery to an online format in the coming months in preparation for the new academic year.

The resource covers many aspects of approach to online transition and in addition, showcases several external tools and pilots as potential methods of adoption for both teaching and assessment online.

Please view the introductory video in the link below and access the course to discover more:

Course Introduction:

The introduction to this resource is just the beginning and we want to encourage the academic community to share their practice and invite suggestions for additional content to be added based on your practice and experience across the college.

The MDS HEFi Digital are on hand to support any development of online transition, please use the support contacts you already have with the team for any development needs. Alternatively, contact the team generic email address:

We will be producing a series of online videos demonstrating the use of approaches suggested in the canvas resource over the coming weeks and encourage you all to step forward and share your practice via these videos for wider engagement and peer support.