Care leavers

Parents play such a big role in helping young people succeed at university, giving them somewhere to live between terms, money for food and travel, a safety net if money runs out, help to move in and so much more. For many young people leaving care, missing out on this support can make university an impossibility.

Care leavers are some of the most vulnerable young people at Birmingham. Their formative years have been disrupted by time spent in the care system and by all the events that led them to be placed there in the first place; their education has often been interrupted; their accommodation situations might be unstable; and they have been forced to make adult decisions about their housing, finances and lives many years before their peers will have to.

We have the opportunity to clear remaining barriers to university, to level the playing field and give these students the space to immerse themselves in the education and student life of Birmingham. Without having to worry about finances and holding down multiple jobs, care leavers would be free to just be students and not have their education interrupted again.

The cost of accommodation is a major issue for care leavers who may not have anywhere suitable to live during holiday periods. Whilst the University ensures that care leavers have access to accommodation for 52 weeks a year for the duration of their course and provide financial support through the Chamberlain Awards, it's unfortunately not enough to cover the full cost of living and studying at university. This sadly means that the door to Birmingham is still not open for many care leavers, and we seek the support of generous supporters to bridge this gap and help these young people to have their chance to succeed at university and beyond.

To read more about Care Leavers and to find out ways to get involved, please go to the Stability in Birmingham page.

A student packing a box with overlaid text 'Stability In Birmingham'.

[1] Care Leavers can also apply for a maintenance loan of £8,400 pa, but this is a loan with interest rates.