Academic Development Programme

The Academic Development Programme (ADP) is designed to ensure you have the best possible start to your career and achieve promotion to Associate Professor.
The ADP has been developed within an overarching framework to allow you the time and space to develop and grow, whilst also appreciating what it means to work at the University of Birmingham.
You will be supported throughout your time on the ADP by a series of measures, each designed to offer you different opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge and experience.
These include
- development opportunities,
- mentoring support,
- peer support group membership,
- and allowing time for reflection.
There are also a wealth of opportunities which you will benefit from through your College, all of which will contribute to your experience, development and readiness to be promoted to Associate Professor at the end of the ADP.
Progression rates
We welcome and support earlier promotion if applicants have met the relevant expectations, but most achieve promotion in a period of 5 years.
We also have supportive measures to ensure that, if you need it, additional time is given on the programme if life events or individual circumstance have gotten in the way.
You will be supported to develop through the programme with a series of objectives (taken from the Library of Objectives and adapted for you) which will be agreed locally with your manager and which will be designed to ensure that you are able to reach your potential at the end of the programme. These objectives and your general progression will be subject to annual review.
About the programme
The normal length of the programme is 5 years from the date of appointment. If you already have experience at another Higher Education institution, then you may be asked to complete a shorter period but everyone is expected to complete at least the first phase of the programme before seeking promotion. The programme is split into three phases;
Phase one
Purpose: Induction and settling in
Length: One year
Phase two
Purpose: Developing competencies
Length: Two years
Phase three
Purpose: Increased and sustained performance
Length: Two years
Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Assistant Professors are appointed on the basis that the majority of their contribution will fall into one of the following main career pathways, which will be clearly articulated at the recruitment and selection stage, depending on the need of the School/College at the time of appointment:
- Education
- Research and Education
- Enterprise, Engagement and Impact
All Assistant Professors are likely to contribute to teaching. You will undertake administration related to your career pathway, and will also be able to develop contributions to citizenship, leadership and management.
We are able, however, to be flexible and move you between these career pathways, depending on how your interests and career develop, and subject to there being agreement by both yourself and the University that such a move is appropriate.
Commitment and Expectations
Commitment and Expectations
Our commitment to you is to provide you with the time, support and resources that mean you will progress at the end of the programme to Associate Professor.
In return we expect that you will make the most of your time on the programme, giving us your full engagement with and participation in the development and networking opportunities that will be offered to you.
Support, Wellbeing and Individual Circumstances
Support, Wellbeing and Individual Circumstances
During the programme you will have the support of your line manager and/or Head of Department/School/Institute as appropriate. In addition, you will be allocated a mentor whose role is to support and guide you through the programme; your mentor will not be involved in decisions relating to your progression on the programme.
In order to expose you to senior level thinking and offer peer networking opportunities across the University you will become a member of a peer support group. This group, comprised of other Assistant Professors on the ADP, will be co-led by a senior academic member of staff and a senior professional services member of staff and will offer one or two guided opportunities each year, with the expectation that group members will also self-organise networking opportunities on an ongoing basis.
Should there be any cause for concern regarding an Assistant Professor’s progression on the programme, such matters will be discussed as soon as possible with the Assistant Professor underpinned by an ethos of encouraging improvement and providing a supportive environment within which to do so. Further guidance regarding this is available in the Guidelines for Managing Progression through the Academic Development Programme – available on the Academic Development website.
Should you have any concerns at any point please raise these in the first instance within your School and College.
The University has a number of resources to help support your wellbeing during your time on the programme, and beyond. These resources can be found on our Workplace Wellbeing site. You may wish to review the employee assistance programme (EAP) provided to our staff by Health Assured which is on the site and which offers a number of services:
Health Assured offers cover for you and your immediate family members*, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
- Life support: Unlimited access to counselling for emotional problems and a pathway to structured telephone counselling or face-to-face counselling sessions (employees only) at your convenience.
- Legal information: For any issues that cause anxiety or distress including debt management, accountancy, lawsuits, consumer disputes, property or neighbour legalities (employees only). View the guidance information for further details.
- Bereavement support: Health Assured offers qualified and experienced counsellors who can help with grief and related stress plus a team of legal advisors to help with legal issues. Please click here for the HA Bereavement Guide.
- Medical information: Qualified nurses are on hand to offer advice on a range of medical or health related issues. They can’t diagnose but can offer a sympathetic ear and practical information and advice.
- CBT online: We recognise the value of self-help tools in dealing with a range of issues, and Health Assured have have a range of CBT self-help modules, informative factsheets and invaluable advice videos from leading qualified counsellors.
- Health support: Mini health checks, health and fitness plans, mood tracker
*Health Assured define dependants as immediate family members (spouse/partners) and children aged 16 to 24 in full time education, living in the same household.
Individual circumstances
We are committed to giving you the time, support and resources needed to succeed on the ADP, the length of which is typically around 5 years. Earlier or later completions are allowed for. We will work with you to extend the programme if you have had extended periods of absence (such as long term sickness or family leave). In order to support you as much as possible on your return from the University after a period of extended absence, the end date for completion of the ADP will be adjusted by 1.5 times the length of absence. Similarly, if there are other individual circumstances which significantly impact on your ability to complete the ADP but are not related to extended absence then these circumstances will be taken into account and adjustments made as necessary.
We are a global university based in the thriving, multi-cultural city of Birmingham. We have over 36,000 students and over 8,000 staff who are recruited internationally, nationally and locally, creating a university community of over 150 nationalities.
The huge range of perspectives and experiences this diversity of community gives us is a source of institutional strength and vitality that underpins the exchange of ideas, innovation and debate.
We are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive learning and working environment, where equality is promoted, diversity is valued and discriminatory behaviour is not tolerated. We expect all of our employees to respect each other.