Jade Willets

Customer Services

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    Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?

    I struggled to balance full-time education with a part-time job in college and needed a way to earn whilst I learned— an apprenticeship was the perfect way to do so. I had unconditional offers for university and had even started a shopping list for my new flat, but I knew deep down that it wasn’t for me. I searched ‘Environment Apprenticeships’ and found the perfect role. I knew that I would have a competitive edge when applying for roles in the future, possessing both relevant experience and recognised qualifications.

Can you describe your apprenticeship experience?

Prior to my apprenticeship I was a very quiet individual with a limited skillset. Over the course of a year, I was exposed to areas of business which I would never experience in a standard job. As I progressed, I began to lead on projects, organise events, deliver presentations, and enhance my workplace skills. Upon completion of a Level 2 Customer Service Apprenticeship, I secured a permanent position with a brand-new job role. When I was presented with the opportunity to undertake the CMDA, I grabbed it with both hands and didn’t look back.

How has your apprenticeship helped you to progess in your career?

As a younger person with less experience, it was daunting to imagine joining such an established workforce—especially considering many university staff are very experienced and highly educated. My apprenticeship was a perfect way to ‘get my foot in the door’, and kick-start my career. Having my achievements acknowledged at the BUAFTAs has really enhanced my profile at the University. It dawned on me that I was easily one of the youngest people in the room, and to be recognised (and taken seriously) as an individual among 8,000 staff was an unbelievable feeling.