Interviewing for a job with us

Welcome to the University of Birmingham's resource on job interviews. Whether you're a recent graduate taking your first steps into the professional world or a seasoned professional looking to advance your career, our job interview guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel in interviews of all types.

Virtual Interviews

The University remains committed to recruitment and will explore all alternatives to ensure fair and transparent selection activity can continue whether we are on or off campus.

Things to consider

  1. Be prepared for your interview, switch off your phone/devices and silence any notifications to avoid distractions.
  2. Check your Wi-Fi and connections are all working ahead of your interview. Test beforehand any devices, connection, links, camera etc.
  3. Be aware of your background visuals consider using the ‘Blur Your Own Background’ function available on some video software. Irrespective of whether your surroundings are immaculate or cluttered, you don’t want that to be a distraction.
  4. Dress appropriate for the interview. You may have to stand up to attend to an interruption and will want to be appropriately dressed at all times.
  5. If this is a panel interview, someone will chair the meeting and introduce themselves and explain the format for the interview. Try to engage with your interviewers just as you would in a face-to-face meeting.
  6. There is often a delay with virtual meetings, so listen to the questions and discussion and pause rather than trying to answer immediately. It also gives you some thinking time.
  7. Technology can sometimes let us down. Try to relax and stay calm if something isn’t working quite right. Explain the issue you are experience and explain if you need to turn your device off and then on again.
  8. Be yourself as with face-to-face interviews, potential employers want to see the real you and your personality, so ask those burning questions, explore if the role is right for you and remember to thank your interviewer(s) for their time.

Independent Panel Members

The University of Birmingham is committed to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and inclusiveness underpins everything we do, and we are proud of the strengths and values our diversity represents.

Our people are critical to our success and our recruitment processes are key to ensuring we hire the very best people to join our teams.

We aim to achieve fair, equal and transparent representation for all, throughout our recruitment process and in particular during the interview stages.

We actively encourage diverse interview panel composition to demonstrate the breadth of career paths, experience and diversity across our campus, and ensure fair consideration of all interviewees.

One of our requirements is that wherever operationally possible, interview panels have at least one independent representative from our Race Equality Newtork staff network group.

These panel members will:

  • Complete all mandatory recruitment and selection training prior to attending any interview panels;
  • Have access to all available recruitment information (e.g. the application form, job descriptions, results of tests) to ensure they are appropriately prepared;
  • Contribute to the discussion on individual candidates in the context of the person specification and role criteria;
  • Challenge any assertions which cannot be supported by evidence;
  • Score and rank candidates using the agreed procedure.

Our interview panels aim to make you feel at ease and offer you the opportunity to present your skills and experience in the best way possible.

Find out more about our staff networks 

I have further questions prior to my interview

Candidates currently progressing through a recruitment process with any questions should contact the appropriate hiring/line manager directly.

You can find the hiring/line manager contact information in the role advertisement that you applied for.

What support is available if I require reasonable adjustments for my interview?

Creating an inclusive environment that welcomes applicants with a disability is key to ensuring we have a diverse and effective workforce.

Should you require reasonable adjustments for an interview you are due to attend, in the first instance please contact the hiring manager detailed on the advertisement.

In the absence of a hiring manager, contact the recruitment team at least 3 days in advance of the interview date at

What accounts for appropriate right to work documentation?

The following documentation can be accepted as right to work and further information can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

  • Passport
  • National insurance card accompanied by a full length birth certificate

Eligibility to work in the UK candidate guidance (43kb .docx)

How soon after the interview will I know the outcome?

This depends on the panel, how many days the interviews are spread over, and how many candidates are being seen.

Outcomes of interviews are made available by email and status updates within our recruitment system. Candidates are encouraged to log in to their profile and check the status of their application.

If I am successful, what support is available if I require reasonable adjustments?

Your manager will be on hand to discuss any reasonable adjustments you may need in order to successfully take up the role, including changes to working practices, flexibility around hours/breaks, equipment etc.

We also use the Access to Work scheme where appropriate to support new joiners. Find out about Access to Work

If you are unable to find the answer to your question, please contact the Recruitment Team on 0121 415 9000 or email  You will be able to speak to your dedicated Recruitment Adviser about all of your specific recruitment needs.