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Chronic disease and integrated care

HSMC's Jon Glasby is the theme lead for chronic disease and integrated care for the West Midlands CLAHRC, a five-year multi-million pound programme funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and matched with funds provided by local health and social services.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

HSMC’s Jon Glasby is the theme lead for chronic disease and integrated care for the West Midlands CLAHRC, a five-year multi-million pound programme funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and matched with funds provided by local health and social services.

Professor Jon Glasby

Finding new, sustainable and cost-effective ways of supporting people with long-term conditions is increasingly being recognised as the next big challenge for health and adult social care. Many people with long-term conditions have complex needs because they have more than one condition and need services across hospitals, general practice, community services and social care. However, many people’s experience is that care is fragmented across different services, resulting in poor outcomes and a poor use of scarce resources.

This theme builds on the work of the pilot CLAHRC which evaluated improvements in care for a number of individual long-term conditions, including stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.

Other CLAHRC themes include:

  • Health for Mothers and Children
  • Mental Health
  • The Prevention of Disease

CLAHRC West Midlands is hosted by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) with the Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and Keele as academic partners. It builds on the success of a pilot CLAHRC Birmingham and Black Country (BBC) but expands its geographic footprint across the region to deliver benefits to even more healthcare organisations and their patients.

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