Birmingham celebrates HSJ rising star!
Birmingham's Jacob Matthews has been identified as an NHS 'rising star' by the Health Service Journal.
Birmingham's Jacob Matthews has been identified as an NHS 'rising star' by the Health Service Journal.
Birmingham's Jacob Matthews has been identified as an NHS 'rising star' by the Health Service Journal.
Currently an undergraduate medical student at the University of Birmingham, Jacob founded and chairs the University's Medical Leadership Society - an initiative led by medical students themselves to supplement their clinical training with insights into the nature and importance of medical leadership.
In the process, the Society has established a successful seminar series with a series of high profile speakers, and has established close links with HSMC as the University seeks to make its medical and clinical leadership expertise available to an ever wider audience.
As part of this seminar series, the Birmingham Medical Leadership Society invites you to attend what will be a fascinating and insightful lecture of Wednesday 21 January by Mark Exworthy, Professor of Health Policy and Management, entitled 'Managing Directors: Past, Present and Future'. His talk will focus on the management of Doctors in the NHS - something that has been regarded as problematic within recent years due to the increased demands within the NHS, and hence a topic which should interest all.
This talk will be held in LT3, University of Birmingham Medical School (6.00-7.00 pm). If you would like to attend, please sign up for the event at: