Professor Laura Piddock, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Birmingham appeared on the Victoria Derbyshire programme last week raising awareness of the antibiotic crisis; on the same day a report was issued highlighting the urgent need for action to help tackle this global problem.

 Answering questions such as, why is the drug resistance happening, what will a future without antibiotics looks like and why does antibiotics work for some people and not others, Professor Piddock highlighted the need to take action against superbugs now. 

Professor Laura Piddock is at the forefront of antimicrobial research and plays an instrumental role in communicating the need for action against the antibiotic resistance and the lack of new treatments. Laura frequently contributes to both the local, national and international media and has advised on, and appeared in, several documentaries. Laura is the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Chair in Public Engagement and in this role is the Director of Antibiotic Action.

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  • Watch the full clip on BBC iPlayer, from 01:25:00 – 01:38:00 (clip available until 12th June 2016)
  • Explore the latest research from the Institute of Microbiology and Infection at the University of Birmingham  
  • Find out how Laura and team are helping to tackle this problem through their group Antibiotic Action