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Aga Gambus was awarded a highly prestigious a Lister Institute Research Prize which provides £200,000 to support her research.

Aga was previously awarded the 2015 British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award.

Aga was awarded an MRC Career Development Award in 2012 to support her independent research and this allowed her to start up her own lab here in Birmingham. She was then awarded a Birmingham Fellowship which consolidated her position here as a principal investigator.

The main focus of Aga’s research is understanding the role of small molecule modifiers: ubiquitin and SUMO, during chromosomal DNA replication. This has led to an increased understanding of the detailed molecular mechanisms controlling the process of DNA replication. This work led to a publication in Science in 2014 defining how polyubiquitylation drives replisome disassembly at the termination of DNA replication.