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IEL Working Papers: high-profile American academic calls for reversing Brexit

The Institute of European Law is delighted to republish a seminal piece on "The Roads to Reversing Brexit: Local and Transnational Constitutional Principles" by Professor Robert Howse (New York University).

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

The Institute of European Law is delighted to republish a seminal piece on “The Roads to Reversing Brexit: Local and Transnational Constitutional Principles” by Professor Robert Howse (New York University).

This piece, initially published in Cardozo Law Review, touches many of the key issues that are currently debated in the UK and in the EU and that revolve around the legal possibility and normative desirability of reversing Brexit. It is an illuminating piece, which ends up with a passionate call. A piece well worth reading and pondering, particularly because it comes from a highly-esteemed academic that is not directly entangled in the Brexit discussion. 

Its republication in Europe is also particularly timely given the case currently pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union that has to decide whether Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon allows for the unilateral withdrawal of the notice to leave the EU. The IEL thus hopes to be contributing one further piece to solve the Brexit puzzle!