Kick-off meeting of Marie Curie Network on Transatlantic Trade and Investment
A news article reporting on the Marie Curie Network's latest meeting exploring Transatlantic Trade and Investment at the University of Birmingham
A news article reporting on the Marie Curie Network's latest meeting exploring Transatlantic Trade and Investment at the University of Birmingham
The Kick-off Meeting of the Marie Curie Network 'TTIP-ITN' took place in Birmingham 16-17 October 2017.
The Network is coordinated by Professor Martin Trybus – supported by Project Manager Sara King - based at the University of Birmingham. It also includes the Universities of Nottingham, City London, Rotterdam, Speyer, Passau, Turin, and ETH Zurich, and the IFO in Munich, CEPII in Paris, and the Royal Institute of International Relations in Brussels. At the heart of the TTIP-ITN are the 15 recently recruited Early Career Researchers who will conduct the 15 funded PhD research projects across the 11 institutions of the network.
The Kick-off meeting was divided into separate days. The first day was an assembly of the supervisors and focussed on the management of the network, especially the training programme and secondments, and also covered questions such as open access and data protection. The second day consisted mainly of introductory presentations of the Early Career Researchers. Moreover, it contained an introduction the training programme which starts in Passau with the first Advanced Training Course on "The Law of TTIP".