A third training course and second project meeting of the Marie Curie network on TTIP was held in Speyer (Germany) 9-11 April 2018.
The German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer is one of the 11 beneficiary institutions of this Innovative Training Network on Transatlantic Trade and Investment (TTIP-ITN) funded by the EU’s Horizon2020 programme and coordinated by Professor Martin Trybus at the University of Birmingham.
After a Welcome/General Introduction by the host Professor Dr Wolfgang Weiß, a first presentation on "US Law and Policy on Negociation: Conclusion and Implementation of Free Trade Agreements was delivered by Christopher T McKinney from the US Embassy to the EU, Brussels who followed with a second presentation on "EU and US Trade Relations: How to revive TTIP?
Then "EU-US Trade Relations: Current State, Challenges and Perspectives for a Bilateral Agreement" was explained in the presentation of Professor Elaine Fahey of the City University of London and "American Interest Presentation" was the topic of Tim Adamson of the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU, Brussels.
"American Interest Representation" was also the title of the presentation of Prof. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Velut Université Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris - who also kindly agreed to join the ITN as an External Expert.
After the completion of the training course the now 15 early career researchers of the network presented their research projects in a second project meeting receiving feedback from their peers, supervisors, and two external experts.