Three Postdoctoral Positions and a Doctoral Scholarship at ITSEE
Three postdoctoral positions and one doctoral scholarship are now being advertised at ITSEE on the Codex Zacynthius and CATENA projects.
Three postdoctoral positions and one doctoral scholarship are now being advertised at ITSEE on the Codex Zacynthius and CATENA projects.
Four new academic positions are currently being advertised at ITSEE.
Further to the award of the AHRC Codex Zacynthius Project, led by Professor David Parker and Dr Hugh Houghton, and the ERC-funded CATENA project, ITSEE is now recruiting three postdoctoral research fellows to work on manuscripts of the Greek New Testament. Candidates may apply for one or more of these posts, for which there will be a single set of interviews. Application should be made through the University of Birmingham recruitment website (search for Academic jobs in Arts and Law, posts 58970, 58972 and 59009), The closing date for applications is 11 April 2018.
A Research Fellow is being sought for a full-time, fixed-term appointment from 1 September 2018 for 17 months to work on the Codex Zacynthius Project. This project will make a new electronic edition of this lectionary and palimpsest commentary manuscript on the basis of multispectral images and publish a collaborative study of the oldest catena on the Gospel according to Luke. The Research Fellow will be responsible for transcribing the biblical and commentary text from the multispectral images, and contributing to the analysis of the manuscript and an annotated edition of the scholia. There may be scope for other publications, conference presentations and involvement in workshops and an exhibition related to the project.
The CATENA Project is investigating the importance of Commentary Manuscripts in the History and Transmission of the Greek New Testament, with a particular focus on the Pauline Epistles.
Research Fellow 1 will be a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 24 months starting on or before 1 October 2018, with the responsibility of compiling a catalogue of Greek New Testament catena manuscripts. Starting from printed and electronic resources, the post will also involve the development of a system for identifying and grouping different types of catenae.
Research Fellow 2 will also be a full-time, fixed-term appointment for 24 months starting on or before 1 October 2018, with responsibility for making electronic transcriptions of catena manuscripts of the Pauline Epistles. The postholder will undertake further investigation of manuscript relationships and may also be involved in textual collation and the preparation of an apparatus.
Both Research Fellows will contribute to the wider activity of the project, including publications and conference presentations arising from their research, and may also be involved in the supervision of students. There is a possibility that either or both of these positions may be extended if funds permit.
Postdoctoral candidates are expected to have a doctorate in New Testament, Early Christianity, Classics or a related subject. They will have excellent ability in New Testament Greek and experience of working with New Testament manuscripts and digital corpora. Transcribers will have expertise in the field of textual criticism and using electronic editing tools; the catalogue compiler will be familiar with a wide range of modern languages.
Doctoral Studentship. Funding is also available for a full-time PhD project studentship to begin on 1 October 2018. The student will examine manuscripts of the Pseudo-Oecumenian Catena on Romans and transcribe and collate selected witnesses in order to make a critical edition of the commentary and its biblical text.
The student should have an excellent first degree in a relevant subject such as New Testament or Classics, and is also expected to have completed or be in the process of completing a Masters degree. Candidates must be able to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in New Testament Greek; experience of working with ancient or medieval manuscripts and knowledge of editorial technique are also desirable. Candidates are expected to be computer literate.
Applications for the doctoral studentship should be made online at the FindAPhD website: the closing date is 9 April 2018.
Informal enquiries about all these posts may be addressed to Dr Hugh Houghton.