Autumn term with MechSoc
Jen Stuart tells us what MechSoc have been up to this term.
Jen Stuart tells us what MechSoc have been up to this term.
MechSoc kicked off the year with our traditional welcome event – a bar crawl beginning in the Guild of Students and continuing on through Broad Street. As always, it was a great opportunity for all years to mingle and interact, with special focus on welcoming the first years to the University and to Birmingham.
We also attended the Engineering and Physical Sciences Societies Fair in October. This was a great chance for all the College’s students to see what’s on offer whether that’s social societies, volunteering, sports, or academic societies teaching skills. We enjoyed being able to meet committee members of other societies – look out for joint events coming soon!
Another popular event was the MechSoc Pub Quiz. With fierce competition from both students and lecturers, this was a highly competitive and very tense event! For the first time in MechSoc Pub Quiz history the event ended with a tie, and two teams had to battle it out for first place through a mini competition. Congratulations to the winners!
The Society’s social football continues to be popular with frequent matches against other societies’ football teams. The sessions are open to all regardless of ability, so if you are interested come along!
Next term promises to be even more eventful! For the 4th year running MechSoc, CivSoc, and EESESoc are planning the Engineering Spring Ball which is a hugely popular event that sells out every year. We also have some plans for an industry linked event with a major industrial player – keep your eyes peeled for more news! And of course, the MechSoc hoodies and fleeces will be delivered next term, just in time for the cold weather.
On behalf of everyone on the MechSoc committee, I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year!
Best wishes,
Jen Stuart
MechSoc Social Secretary