EUTIP is an EU-funded network of 15 Early Career Researchers (ESRs) researching the EU Trade and Investment Policy across 11 institutions in seven European countries, led by IEL Director Professor Martin Trybus from Birmingham Law School.
The 4th EUTIP Project Meeting with 14 of the 15 ESRs, 10 of the supervisors, and external expert Professor Jean-Baptiste Velut was held at the ETH in Zurich in Switzerland on 11 and 12 of July 2019.
The ESRs, including Alice Manzini and Jorge Soguero from Birmingham, presented their current research findings and received feedback from the supervisors, Professor Velut, and the other ESRs.
The Project Meeting was preceded by the 4th EUTIP Supervisory Board meeting on 11 July in which the progress of the EUTIP ITN as well as future events were discussed. Then the Project Meeting was followed by a teambuilding event in the Swiss Alps on 13 July.