MicroCPD: Personal Academic Tutoring – 8 ideas that can make a difference
Dionne Barton gives 8 ideas that can make a difference to Personal Academic Tutoring.
Dionne Barton gives 8 ideas that can make a difference to Personal Academic Tutoring.
Dionne Barton gives 8 ideas that can make a difference to Personal Academic Tutoring.
8 suggested ideas for Personal Academic Tutors, these support the broad aims of the Personal Academic Tutoring modules initiative.
Adapted from:
McIntosh, E. and Grey, D. (2017) 10 Top Tips for Effective Personal Tutoring. UKAT.uk, July 2017
Further Reading
Laycock, M. (2009 )Personal tutoring in Higher Education – Where Now and Where Next? A literature review and recommendations. SEDA Specials 25. https://www.seda.ac.uk/specials
Lochtie, D., McIntosh, E., Stork, A. and Walker, B. (2018) Effective Personal Tutoring in Higher Education. St Albans: Critical Publishing.
McIntosh, E. and Grey, D. (2017) 10 Top Tips for Effective Personal Tutoring. UKAT.uk, July 2017
Thomas, L. (2012) Building student engagement and belonging in Higher Education at a time of change: final report from the What Works? Student Retention and Success programme.
Thomas, L., Hill, M., Mahony, J. O., & Chambers, J. (2017) Supporting student success: strategies for institutional change – Final Report.