The workshop discussed issues such as the International Procurement Document, third country aspects of the EU procurement directives, and the procurement chapters of Free Trade Agreements of the EU with the rest of the world. Dr Ebrecht from the European Commission’s Directorate General on the Internal Market, Industry, Business and SME in Brussels outlined the initiatives of the European Commission. Dr Thomas Solbach from the Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy in Berlin, responsible for the transposition of EU procurement law in Germany, delivered a presentation on German priorities regarding the international aspects of procurement law. Finally, Dr Peter Schäfer from theBundesverband der Deutschen Industrie, the Confederation of German Industries in Berlin provided an insight into the business perspective, the perspective of German bidders. Professor Trybus is a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Forum Vergabe, the German Procurement Association, and also on the Prize Committee of its thesis prize, the “International Procurement Award”.