Dr Sang-Hoon Yeo (principal investigator), Lecturer in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, together with co-investigators Drs Ned Jenkinson, Raymond Reynolds, Sam Lucas, and colleagues from the School of Psychology, has won £20,000 UK-Korea Partnering Award jointly awarded by Medical Research Council (UK) and Korea Health Industry Development Institute (South Korea) on the project UK-Korea Consortium for Next Generation Brain Imaging and Simulation Technologies.
The overarching aim of the UK-Korea Partnering Awards scheme is to provide resources to biomedical and health researchers in the UK and Korea that will allow them to forge long-term collaborations.
The overall aim of the proposed exchange UK-Korea Consortium for Next Generation Brain Imaging and Simulation Technologies is to establish new links between neuroscientists in the UK and South Korea working in brain imaging and stimulation. The intention is to integrate the next generation of brain imaging and stimulation technologies in the application of behavioural and cognitive neuroscience.
This is the world’s first research consortium combining such technologies and offers an excellent and timely opportunity to both countries to consolidate the leadership in the related areas.