
Data shows that many doctoral students wished they had been better prepared for, and supported through, the realities of their doctoral studies. How to Keep your Doctorate on Track – co-edited by Mark and Professor Keith Townsend (Griffith University), Associate Professor Rebecca Loudon (Griffith University), and Assistant Professor Emily Morrison (George Washington University) – brings together contributors from around the globe to explore issues such as isolation, lack of motivation, managing your supervisor and writers block.

Professor Mark Saunders says, “This book provides social science doctoral students with support to keep their doctorates on track and complete their thesis or dissertation on time. In contrast to the usual sanitized accounts, doctoral students and supervisors use their own experiences to provide insights, inspiration and advice.”

Mark’s previous work has been recognised with a number awards, including a Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences, the British Academy of Management Medal for Leadership, and a Fellowship of the British Academy of Management.

The book features observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers; this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience.

It is structured into three distinct phases:

  • Part I: Getting into it - the inception of and ideas for doctoral research;
  • Part II: Getting on with it - the research phase;
  • Part III: Getting it finished and moving on - completing the dissertation or thesis, being examined and moving on

The introductory chapter can be downloaded free at: https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781788975629/9781788975629.xml