Rapid prioritisation of adult social care innovations for evaluation: Reflections and considerations
Dr Walton's research paper on rapid prioritisation work, for the HSR UK 2020 Conference.
Dr Walton's research paper on rapid prioritisation work, for the HSR UK 2020 Conference.
In her methodological insights presentation for the HSR UK Conference 2020, Dr Holly Walton discusses rapid prioritisation work completed on behalf of the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) by the Rapid Service Evaluation Team (RSET) and the Birmingham, RAND Europe and Cambridge (BRACE) Rapid Evaluation Centre in identifying and prioritising a shortlist of innovations to evaluate in adult social care and social work.
The rapid horizon scanning and prioritisation work was undertaken by a team drawn from BRACE and RSET jointly. The identification of innovations followed an adapted version of the James Lind Alliance method for priority setting which followed four steps:
This approach was successful in identifying 158 innovations from 43 organisations, which led to developing a shortlist and identifying the top five priorities as part of a workshop. The next stage will be to conduct further scoping in order to identify two innovations that can be taken forward and evaluated independently by the two rapid evaluation teams.
The authors of the research paper are: Manbinder Sidhu, Holly Walton, Katherine Cowan, Amelia Harshfield, Pei Li Ng, Antiopi Ntouva, Sonila M. Tomini, Jon Sussex & Naomi J. Fulop.
Download the presentation in full here. Further details of this evaluation project can be found here on the BRACE website.
The Health Services Research UK Conference 2020 will be taking place between 1-3 July 2020 as a virtual and online conference and is completely free to anyone who wants to attend. You can register for the conference here. The research papers and workshop sessions of the conference have been pre-recorded and are being uploaded onto the HSRUK website on a daily basis from 15 June 2020.
HSR UK will be livestreaming all the plenary sessions and making all of them, along with the research presentations, available to watch on the HSR YouTube channel
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