What possibilities might gaming and VR technologies open up for classic literature and drama?

Over a quarter of the world's population plays videogames, and the gaming industry is larger than the film and music industries combined.

Shakespeare conference

At the same time, an immersive, three-dimensional 'metaverse' is being heralded as the future of digital interactivity. What possibilities might gaming and VR technologies open up for the experience of classic literature and drama--at home, in arts venues, and in the classroom?

Join us for a discussion with Andrew Burn (UCL), author of Literature, Videogames, and Learning (2021), Rebecca Bushnell (University of Pennsylvania), author of Tragic Time in Drama, Film, and Videogames (2016), and E. B. Hunter (University of Washington in St Louis), creator of Bitter Wind: A Greek Tragedy in Mixed Reality and Something Wicked: The Macbeth Videogame.

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