Building on strong foundations: how adult social care can work better with local communities

University of Birmingham research has identified eight ‘top tips’ for local authorities to embed strengths-based working within social care services.

Older person recieving help

Strengths-based practice seeks to return social care to its core principles of social justice, respect, and diversity, through changing the relationship between professionals and the people who they support. It moves from a system based on what people cannot do for themselves and how services can meet these deficits to one which starts from what is important to the person and the assets which they and their families already hold.

Whilst there is agreement that strength-based practice is a better and potentially more affordable way to support people and their families, there are many challenges to embedding changes within local systems and processes. This includes social workers and other frontline professionals altering how they work, and in how funding is invested.

Our report, Building on Strong Foundations (PDF), is based on a research project which studied three local authorities in England which were highly committed to strengths-based practice (York, Camden, and Birmingham). Each sought to embed this approach throughout their social care system by introducing new services and interventions and through supporting their front-line social care practitioners change their day-to-day work.

Through reflecting on their collective learning and experiences, it has been possible to identify eight “top tips” which can help other local areas who wish to become more strengths-based in how they plan and deliver social care.