Diet high in fruit and vegetables linked to lower miscarriage risk

A preconception and early-pregnancy diet high in fruit, veg, eggs and grain may be associated with lower risk of miscarriage, a new review of research suggests.

Pregnancy woman wearing blue dress chopping salad on wooden chopping board as part of food preparation

Diet that contains lots of fruit, vegetables, seafood, dairy, eggs and grain may be associated with reducing risk of miscarriage

A preconception and early-pregnancy diet that contains lots of fruit, vegetables, seafood, dairy, eggs and grain may be associated with reducing risk of miscarriage, a new review of research suggests.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham, funded by Tommy’s, analysed 20 studies which explored women and birthing people’s eating habits in the months before and shortly after conceiving a baby to see whether these studies showed evidence of association with a lower or higher chance of miscarriage.

Writing in the journal Fertility and Sterility the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research team conclude that there is evidence to suggest a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, seafood, dairy products, eggs and grain reduces miscarriage risk.

These are foods which typically make up ‘healthy’ well-balanced diets, with previous evidence showing that eating a well-rounded diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals during pregnancy is important.

Fruit and veg see biggest risk reduction

The research review found that, when compared to low consumption, high intake of fruit may be associated with a 61% reduction in miscarriage risk. High vegetable intake may be associated with a 41% reduction in miscarriage risk. For dairy products it is a 37% reduction, 33% for grains, 19% for seafood and eggs.

Led by Dr Yealin Chung, researchers also looked at whether pre-defined dietary types, such as the Mediterranean Diet or Fertility Diet could also be linked to miscarriage risk. They could not find evidence that following any of these diets lowered or raised risk.

However, a whole diet containing healthy foods overall, and low in pro-inflammatory foods or unhealthy food groups may be associated with a reduction in miscarriage risk for women. A diet high in 'ultra-processed food' was shown to be associated with doubling of miscarriage risk.

The studies included in the analysis focused on the peri-conception period – a period before and during the first three months of pregnancy. Data collected from a total of 63,838 healthy women of reproductive age was included, with information on their diets typically collected through food frequency questionnaires for each study.

Dr Chung said:

“Miscarriage is common, with estimates suggesting 1 in 6 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and there are many known causes, from problems with the baby’s chromosomes to infections in the womb.

Nearly 50% of early pregnancy losses remain unexplained and in the absence of a cause, parents often turn to their healthcare providers for guidance .... [to] reduce the risk of future miscarriages

Dr Yealin Chung

“Yet nearly 50% of early pregnancy losses remain unexplained and in the absence of a cause, parents often turn to their healthcare providers for guidance on the best ways to be as healthy as possible and reduce the risk of future miscarriages.

“There’s a growing body of evidence to show that lifestyle changes - including changes to diet, stopping smoking and not drinking alcohol - before conceiving and in your pregnancy’s early stages - may have an impact.

“We strongly encourage couples to consider the importance of making positive lifestyle choices when planning for a family, and to continue with these healthy choices throughout their pregnancy and beyond. By knowing that positive lifestyle choices can make a significant difference in reducing the risk of miscarriage, couples can feel empowered to take charge of their health and the health of their baby.”

Tommy's midwife Juliette Ward says:

“Advice on diet is one of the most-discussed subjects for us when talking with pregnant women and birthing people. We know that baby loss is very rarely the result of someone’s lifestyle choices, but many people want to know how to be as healthy as possible in pregnancy. Following a healthy diet, taking supplements like Vitamin D and folic acid, exercise and trying to lower stress are all things people can try to do, but there’s been a lack of clear evidence on the links between diet choices and miscarriage.

“Given this lack of evidence, there aren’t any evidence-based guidelines outlining dietary advice for women and birthing people or their partners – something the findings of this review suggest could make a real impact in helping people reduce their risk.”

More studies are needed, the Tommy’s team conclude, particularly research which looks at whether a food group or diet and its link to miscarriage risk is causal, and research which could accurately estimate how effective a change in diet could be in the critical stages of conception and pregnancy.

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Notes for editors

  • For media enquiries please contact Tim Mayo, Press Office, University of Birmingham, tel: +44 (0)7920 405040.
  • The University of Birmingham is ranked amongst the world’s top 100 institutions. Its work brings people from across the world to Birmingham, including researchers, teachers and more than 6,500 international students from over 150 countries.
  • The University of Birmingham is a founding member of Birmingham Health Partners (BHP), a strategic alliance which transcends organisational boundaries to rapidly translate healthcare research findings into new diagnostics, drugs and devices for patients. Birmingham Health Partners is a strategic alliance between seven organisations who collaborate to bring healthcare innovations through to clinical application:
    • University of Birmingham
    • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
    • Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    • Aston University
    • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    • Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
    • West Midlands Academic Health Science Network
  • The association between dietary patterns and risk of miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Yealin Chung, Pedro Melo, Oonagh Pickering, Rima Dhillon-Smith, Arri Coomarasamy and Adam Devall from the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research, University of Birmingham will be published in the May issue of Fertility and Sterility and is available online as a pre-proof.