Top Five Moments as a Music Student
Mia shares her favourite moments as a BA Music student at the University of Birmingham.
Mia shares her favourite moments as a BA Music student at the University of Birmingham.
Going on a year abroad is not mandatory for BMus students but I would definitely recommend it! Living and studying abroad was one of the most amazing experiences and it completely changed what I want to pursue after graduating.
Getting the chance to meet new people, take unusual modules and learn in a different way, not only changed me as a musician but as a person. After the Covid lockdown, it was a great way to figure out my skills, strengths, and interests.
As a member of one of the university's auditioned choirs, Camerata, I was also considered a member of the UoB Voices. This meant I was able to participate in choral projects run by the music department.
I was lucky enough to be a part of two UoB Voices projects, singing Mahler's Symphony No.8 in 2020 and Carl Orff's Carmina Burana this year in 2023. Singing alongside the CBSO chorus and being led by conductors such as Simon Halsey CBE, Julian Wilkins, Kazuki Yamada and Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla was a truly wonderful experience, and I am looking forward to singing Carmina Burana again at the 2023 BBC Proms.
After being introduced to studio composition in first year and choosing to study it further in second year, I then specialised in studio composition in my final year.
Learning how to compose electroacoustic music and how use the studio equipment was instrumental in developing musical and technological skills that I can now apply to all aspects of composition.
Additionally, the weekly miniBEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre) sessions in the Dome were a great way to be exposed to new music and discuss different compositional approaches.
Although I spent the majority of my life as a music student situated in the Bramall Music building, with most of my lectures, seminars and rehearsals being held there, the Frankland building was a close second.
The Frankland building is home to the practice rooms, music study space and recording studio. It’s just a short walk outside from the Bramall building, which is lovely when it’s sunny and warm, but when it’s cold outside, I prefer to take the shortcut! Using your student ID card to open the doors, there is a route from the Bramall, through the Aston Webb and past the Lapworth Museum, that gets you to the Frankland Music Hub.
Adjacent to the Aston Webb Building and directly opposite Old Joe (the tallest free-standing clocktower in the world), the Bramall Music Building is at the heart of the University Campus.
With plenty of benches dotted around and the open space of the "Green Heart" nearby, it’s perfectly situated to have lunch nearby or catch some fresh air in between classes.